My daughter asked me why I like Star Trek so much

I answered that Star Trek was one of the shining examples of the sci-fi genre that didn't depict our future world as some post-apocalyptic war torn way. Instead, society could finally elevate itself to a point where currency was no longer necessary because all of a persons basic human rights were being met. If you needed a place to live, one would be provided. If you needed food and drink, you had access to ample supply anytime you wanted. Healthcare was universal so all your health care needs were taken care of. People were no longer a slave to a job just to sustain their daily life and could pursue their passion in arts, sciences or other interests. People who worked in that future were doing things they loved because they wanted to. I want to live in that society and hope we get closer to it every day.

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Your daughter is born after 1995, therefore making it subhuman. Don't bother trying to explain anything to it

Are science fags so delusional they think star trek is happening in their lifetime?

Also the white dude kissed the black chick, a first for American television. That episode was banned by some stations.

If you have children you should not be on Any Forums.

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Reddit moment
I suppose after that you also gave her a forcible masturbation lesson because it's "natural" and "healthy" and you're not stuck in the backwards ways of previous generations

He’s watching a pirated copy of Up. He’s fine.

They really are. All of the technology in the show is literally just magic with science word and possibly cheapw AV effects applied to it

>hundreds of years from now a hyper advanced society will just have idealised versions of current moral and political beliefs
Not likely.

This. Op has a nice sentiment in this thread but... He's an ancient gen xer who belongs on Facebook.

Contrary to popular belief not all millennials are nihilistic failures and some managed to procreate

I wish Star Trek was happening in our lifetime.

My son and I both post here. Sometimes he gives me (You)s to get me started.

If they ideals are good they just persist, user.

Yeah it would be nice if all the worlds problems were solved within 60 years but probably not bro. We don’t even have hoverboards yet

Most Americans probably think Star Trek is a socialist nightmare and would prefer Hell itself over it.

here we go again. what makes ideals “good” or “bad”? you realise these ideals seem good to you because you were born in a specific time and culture? they wouldn’t seem good to someone born 200 years before you

Wholesome. Have a (You).

What's for dinner dad? You old boomer fag you.

Well, we do, but they’re not what you think, and are actually fire hazards.

Any Forums users should legally not be allowed to have children.

Then someone born 200 years ago can go fuck himself.


some guy in 200 years will say the same about us

who does the shit jobs in Star Trek? On the ships who maintains the toilets and waste disposal?

What order should I watch Star Trek?

Hopefully he filmed it for posterity.

>the future is filled with communist faggots using fairy magic but it's called "technology" and "science" so that means it is good
the state of trekfags

Wouldn’t they just be able to beam waste directly into the warp core to be obliterated at the atomic level? Isn’t that what O’Brian does all day when he isn’t beaming down away teams?

Nah, the future will be pretty much this but actually working.

TOS if you can stomach it, if not, skip to late season 2 of TNG and try to find some guide of the must-watches of seasons 1/2 other than that. You could honestly just skip to season 3 and not miss much.

TNG famously took 2 seasons to get started, it's basically TOS 2.0 up to that point. Some episodes are still okay, a couple good, some are unbelievably atrocious, and most are just surprisingly bland rehashes of TOS. If you don't mind wading through a lot of shit you could just watch all of them.

From there, DS9 is the only must watch. Voyager is only for if you're starved for Star Trek and love it enough to watch a bad failed re-hash of TNG that squandered all its potential just because one in ten episodes is approaching "fine." Enterprise is meh, some people like it. All the new stuff is totally worthless.

Skip the TNG movies entirely except to laugh at them with the plinkett reviews or something. All the TOS movies are okay (first one is slowest and weirdest, second is best, the rest are just ok).

No, because such thoughts will be illegal, and he’ll be sent to the re-education centres to have it corrected.

Baseless assumption that doesn’t square with the rest of human history. It could easily be a chink surveillance state dystopia

If no one works toward it, then it will never happen in anyone’s lifetime.

>implying that we’re not in one already.

>Voyager is only for if you're starved for Star Trek and love it enough to watch a bad failed re-hash of TNG that squandered all its potential just because one in ten episodes is approaching "fine."
Sure there's plenty of ways Voyager could have been better and I understand some people think it should gone grimdark because they were lost and alone. But overall, I think it is a better show than TNG.

Accurate and based.

I think it only appears better because the special effects technology had improved, and they had a bigger budget at that point than TNG did.