Imagine Drinking

Imagine Drinking

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don't have to, doing it right now

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I have about a cup left of liquor. I’m debating if I should drink it now or pour it down the drain and go sober for a few months

My therapist told me people without mental health problems are just boring. I dismissed it at the time but over time I've realized how true it is. Of course the people here don't even realize their mental health problems.

pour it
youre gonna feel awful with just one cup and nothing else to drink


He tried to make you feel better.

He was an alcohol

Mental problems just means you’re paying attention. Stop going to a therapist. They can’t help you.

1 cup as in one drink or 250ml? If it's only enough for one drink pour it. One drink won't be enough and you'll just end up buying more booze.

You ever talk to normies?

let's assume it's 250ml it's still not enough though

>tfw too hungover to drink last night and can't drink tomorrow because it'll be Monday

what a fucking waste. finally watched Titane, though. pretty good

Yeah it is about 250ml, there’a about an eight of a half left. If I drink it and time it perfectly I might get kind of drunk and be able to fall asleep around 10pm and not be too hungover tomorrow, but if I drink it too fast, or stay up too late I’m going to feel like shit, that’s my dilemma

Mental health problems are just as real as physical health problems.

what spirit is it even you ligjt weight

I haven't drank in a week, which is pretty impressive for me. But it's only because I got the booster shot and it made me feel too shitty to get wasted.

>I got the booster shot
rip faggot

Fireball, so it’s about 35% alcohol. I can probably get 6 or 7 shots out of it, and I’m physically lightweight so it’s enough for me to feel it, then maybe get a little sober before bed

>he got the jab
>he didn’t learn his lesson the first time
Oh no no no

Drinking alcohol is good. Just don't OD on it.

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my go-to strategy for these situations is drink it but prepare a heavy snack for the afterhours pushing me to sleep

Daily reminder for my alcoholbros

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Anyone who has ever smoked a cigarette, drank alcohol, or got high on weed is permanently severed from the holy host.

based WALK HARD poster

You know damn well you're about to drink it.

>Anyone who has ever smoked a cigarette, drank alcohol, or got high on weed is permanently severed from the holy host.
this is theologically easily disproved