ITT: Movies every man should see

ITT: Movies every man should see

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Conan the barbarian
Das Boot
Lawrence of Arabia

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That was a good movie. Connery and Caine made such a good duo.

>inb4 retard posts master and commander or mel gibson flicks
those movies are fucking shit. get mandards.

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Wish someone could make a list of "films everyone shoudl see before they're 30". I know there's some I missed.

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Incredibly fucking based.
No, MAN. Just man. Not manchildren.

Have you seen The Wind and the Lion? Look up John Milius writing credits for more.

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>save your marriage by defeating terrorists single handedly

i think it counts.

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this movie just makes me suicidal for missing out on college.

Lmao remember that time Any Forums got memed into interracial homosexuals

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If it doesn't make you cry your gay!

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Watched this with my dad and he said that it was like someone went back in time and filmed him and his friends in the early 80's.

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really suprised me how good it was

>“I may not be the strongest guy or the most well-armed, but you can put me in a room with a pencil and a piece of paper and I can kill anybody.”
― John Milius

Anyone have that comp image of his newspaper clippings?

dersu uzala

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don't rape women

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Fantasy setting with a war between two city-states, but it carries a very important lesson for guys. Probably on my top 10 anime films everyone should watch.

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The Wild Bunch? I would put most westerns in the camp of male essentials

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