I don't like her anymore

i don't like her anymore

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I never liked her to begin with, so I'm way ahead of you.


Is she even acting anymore?

I don't know who she is

Never liked her after the first time I looked her up on youtube to hear her talk. She's a stuck up hoe

guess i'm just bored with awkward ludicrousness

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my sister sent me a text that if bill hader can fuck her i can get a hot girl as an ugly dude. finna kms.


She’s short and weird looking. She’s legit a 6/10 at best if she were working in a coffee shop or something, maybe a 7/10 in a town with fewer than 100,000 people.


I like her.

not a negative.

>weird looking
she's conventionally attractive. how is she weird looking?

I haven't liked her since the movie where a guy was going down on her, and she has a wom*n moment and runs off without returning the favor. Selfish whore.

your sister rates you hotter than Hader, you're in like Flynn


also she just seems so unnatainable, like she woud be a totall bitch to me for no reason

kill yourself

So glad to see the truth being clear now. She’s a horrible percent who can adult pretend decently.

All of the “she seems cool” actresses are fake, crazy, and horrible to you unless they want something.

she looked cute in the JGL cancer flick but that was like 12 years ago

are you sure i should kill myself, what about my family?

Her face is asymmetrical, her nose is big and hooked, and she’s a chinlet. She’s still cute, but definitely not pretty and certainly not attractive in a conventional way. And have kids with her, as sons typically take after the mother, good chance you’ll end up with a weak-chinned manlet.

I hated her since the Twilight days. Something's off with her face, can't put my finger on why I dislike her so much. Sure, I would still cream on her face if I had to, but only to dehumanize her.

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man it must be miserable being some of you. i think she's pretty.

OP here, i think she's very attractive
i just don't like her as an actress anymore

But why?

i guess it's because she never really grew as an actress and the HAHA funny meme just got kind of old

...but, really, why?

>Any Forums doesn't like the mouse
what, no way


Your sister fucked Bill Hader?