Unintentional comedy. Post 'em if you got them

Maximus: Hahahaha You knew Marcus Aurelias?

Proximo: (spergs out) I didnt say I knew him. i said he touched me on the shoulder once!!!


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OP is but shadows and dust

Uhhhhhh.....ok crazy person who makes zero sense.

Proximo: (spergs out) I didnt say I knew him. it was just one night in the backroom of a gay bar.

>Point Break
>Gar Busey car scene

Utah !!! Get me two !!! Two.

>Gandalf the Grey... Gandalf the Fool

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What kind of fat slob eats

>Proximo: (spergs out)
I'm losing my shit at this

what kind of fat fuck needs two 12 inch meatball subs. Imagine the size of that shit afterwards

Based Oliver Reed drinking himself to death in the middle of filming this

I hope someone says this to me just so i can piss my pants laughing

Theo: You bet your ass I wish to proceed!

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>get your ass beat my John Mclane
>get lynched with a chain and suspended 8 feet off the ground
>dead for 5 minutes
>come back like Jason Vorhees

Kek One of my favorite movies but this scene was just hilarious and dumb

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I heard she had a great assssssssss!!! And you got your head.... all the way up it!!!!

When I get to Phoneix she will be rising. She will probably leave a note,right on the doooorrrr.

Gimme all you got!!!!

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Walken: What's in the cup?
Fishburne: Root beer (crushes cup) You want some?
Walken: There are some things I just dont do. Bop bop bop whooooooaaaaa Johnny!!!!!!

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CIA: If I pull that off will you die?
Bane: It would be extremly painful.
CIA: Your'e a big guy.
Bane: For you.
(Plane noises)

R. Danger field in Natural Born Killers

"What am I watching here, two faggots dancing!? Kill the fucking Indian!"

"If it wasnt for me you'd slinging hash in that shit house and fucking your boss!"

"And make sure its a good shower cause Im coming up afterwards to see how clllleeeaaaan you are."

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Regretted the wording there bud?

was just watching this yesterday

Yes, I messed up because im typing one handed because I had shoulder surgery.

did this part get you like it tickled me?


Get well soon, user. I'll get that snake what bit ya.

Anyone else think that shit they put in Maximus' wound to heal looked like delicious corn meal?

why did Maximus mock Proximo anyway? Didn't seem appropriate or in his character to do that

Because Proximo is a fat nobody slave trader and Marcus is God of Rome. read his book; Meditations.