In your country, do you believe in life after death? If so...

In your country, do you believe in life after death? If so, what reasons do you have to believe there is an afterlife beyond just wanting for there to be one?

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Because I've interacted with aparitions that live there


Interesting. Do you feel like telling me a bit about it? Like how you interacted with them, what they told you, and so on?

It happened more when I was a kid but the last time I saw one was about 4 years ago when I went fishing with a group of friends
We were all sitting on the edge of a dock taking turns holding the one rod we had and we sat there for hours and hours with no luck until the sun set and we were ready to leave but a strange figure in the distance distracted us
It was a young woman with long black hair and a short white and red dress, she was all wet and she looked like she had being crying and told us 'just a little more, they're just about to come' so we sat again and she sat right next to us and started saying weird stuff like she has lived there (in the dock) for many decades (she looked like she was 20) and that she was really hungry but couldn't fish 'there'
At one point she jumps and screams 'it's here!!!' and my friend feels a huge fish pulling the rod down and we all fight it together until we reel it in, at which point the woman had disappeared
It was a huge catfish and we left a small portion there where she was sitting so that she may eat

I do but I also don’t. I can’t say conclusively what I believe either way if I’m being honest.


I believe in life after death. I believe it'll be like waking up from a dream. I've adopted Schopenhauer's philosophy, basically.

>what reasons do you have to believe there is an afterlife beyond just wanting for there to be one?

I believe the subject is immortal. My person might die but the thing that represents the representation is never going to die.

I kind of want to extinguished anyways.

God is too apathetic about us

Fascinating. Thank you for taking the time to type that out, user.

Fair enough.

Hmm, not sure if I can quite wrap my head around this way of thinking. Gonna have to think about it a bit.

i just want to believe

I think your individual consciousness will merge back into a bigger pool of consciousness.
Can you call that a life? I don't know.

But that's a pretty wild idea. What made you come to believe that?

How are you doing today?

Not bad. Definitely a lot better than these past few days. Thanks for asking, kind user. :glad:

That's good, it's getting late there. I hope you can get some good sleep.

Fug, my emotes got reset or something. Oh well, they'll be gone soon anyway.

Well, I'm a bit of a night owl, so my sleep schedule is always kinda messed up and I'll probably be up for at least 3 more hours. I do try to not let it get out of control though. It's a lot better now that we're both well past winter solstice and we've entered summer time. In winter I'd barely see daylight and it messed me up quite a bit mood-wise.

But anyway, sorry for the rambling. Thanks again, friend!

There is life after the void of death because there was life after the void before birth.

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Yes. I’ve seen and heard ghosts, and witnessed things inexplicably move around in my home. I really don’t know what else it could be.

Yes. I think I’ve heard a other being looking after me when I was younger. I had like 3 bad dreams in one night back to back and I woke up crying to myself because I thought it would never end but then I felt what felt like a hand rubbing my back and a faint woman’s voice say “it’s okay, you’re safe now.” Then I went back to sleep. Still don’t know if that was a dream or not

>believing in life after death
>not believing in afterlife
Like people actually can attest to either claim. What the fuck do we know really. Everyone (on either side) acts as if they've got it all figured out and are really really certain of it.

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I really wish I could experience something like this. It would make life so much more interesting. I know I probably wouldn't be convinced right away it wasn't something that could be explained logically, but at least I'd have something to cling onto.