
Flat Eric edition

Attached: doing a think.jpg (757x757, 267.78K)

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how smart do you have to be for a CS degree???? it can’t be that hard rite?

touch grass you cant get a counter strike degree

That's Mr Oizo actually

Actually it's Quentin Dupieux



>6 posts
>no emojis
yikes fåm

emote users are non 4chanx runtoids

absolute freaks

I dont know how to emoji post and i've been here since 5am


fukken sick to death of these emojis senpai

You have to be quite autistic for it. All my normal friends hate it, all my autistic friends loved it. I ended up changing but a mate of mine thinks its the best thing hes ever done.

What do you think of Yorke's new project then?

Attached: the-smile.jpg (1000x1000, 290.26K)

Reckon the Vatnik has a point when he yells about Brits having no leg to stand on for criticizing his invasion of Ukraine when Scotland isn't allowed independence and NI exists.

almost unlocked them all

Thinking of buying a camera and filming porn
Have some decent ideas I think


Attached: 70.png (200x198, 17.49K)

afked bc work and i came back with like 200 points
so posting or getting replies doesnt matter

*puts a stethoscope on your post and sees the symptoms for virginitis*

the points don't seem to matter, I got on and I had >4000

how rare is this nonce anime emoji

can't believe sneed was left out😤