My man islamic USA

My man islamic USA

Attached: Flag_of_Malaysia.svg.png (640x320, 10.63K)

Attached: 1648793509801.png (467x467, 262.27K)

this picture is cursed

That's just Michigan with extra steps.

Weren't very creative, were they lmao

It's the face every American makes when we bomb a thirdie for oil or bananas or whatever.

Why, because you don't like josh Luna?

Arabs in Dearborn are largely Americanized despite what your far right media probably tells you.

Attached: 954543.png (399x965, 622.75K)

I'm suing Malaysia for copyright infringement

>you don't like josh Luna?
You like him?

Not really

Oh yeah.. You and what army?


My man Islamic USA

with his democracy and freedom trucks

Kino flag
Stripes from the Majapahit Empire
Crescent moon from Asian Muslim aesthetics, navy and gold reflect the warmth and humidity of Malaysia
Sun with 14 rays for the 13 states and their 1 union
Malaysia and its flag feel like a Mandela Effect country or a Vaporwave US from another dimension that only exists in mysticism and it's the most magical thing ever

Attached: 1591399745829.png (657x527, 25.28K)

I agree

Think again

Attached: Sejarah Bendera Malaysia.png (1204x1940, 401.21K)

Says the guy with upside down polish flag

says sick japan

Blue sky Red stripes looks better. Don't heed hecklers.

Pretty sure that's algae