/lang/ - Language learning general

>What language(s) are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make frens!

Read this shit some damn time:
4chanint.fandom.com/wiki/The_Official_Any Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

Totally not a virus, but rather, lots of free books on languages:

Lots of books on linguistics of various kinds, as well as language courses:

Check this Pastebin for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides:

Torrents with more resources than you’ll ever need for 30 plus languages:

List of trackers for most language learning packs:

Ukrainianon’s list of commercial courses from rutracker.org:

Russianon’s list of comprehensible input resources:

Pastebin that archives challenges:

>How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects?
Read the damn wiki
>Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X?
>What is the most useful language?
>What language should I learn?

IMPORTANT: Please keep the thread on topic, active (even if it means just one occasional post), and respectful. Do NOT respond to trolls or thread-derailing schizos. Just report them, and for crying out loud don’t abandon the thread when they show up. It takes less effort to report and ignore them than to abandon all hope and let them live in your head rent free.


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New challenge: romance edition.

I love you.
That ring looks expensive!
They will get married tomorrow.

My parents have been together for almost thirty years.
Some women like getting roses from their boyfriends, but I prefer candy.
He's still bitter because he discovered that the woman he met online is a man.

The Greek language has several words for love, but I am most interested in eros, which is passionate desire.
I used to believe that I would always be fat and unloved, but since I started exercising and eating well, I've become fit and unloved.
I still remember the first time I kissed the girl who later became my wife; I quietly climbed a ladder into her bedroom, and we listened to music before I kissed her.

Attached: hearts.png (860x1023, 166.25K)

Based challenge fren


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Ich liebe dich
Dieser Ring scheint teuer
Sie werder morgen heiraten

Meine Eltern waren 30 Jahre zusammen
Manche Frauen moechten von ihren Freunden Rosen bekommen aber ich bevorzuge Suessigkeiten
Er ist noch sauer weil er entdeckt hat dass die Frau die er online kennen gelernt hat ist ein Mann.

Ich liebe dich.
Dieser Ring sieht teuer aus!
Sie werden morgen früh verheiraten.

Meine Eltern sind schon seit fast dreißig Jahren zusammen.
Einige Frauen mögen es, Rosen von ihren Freunden zu bekommen, aber ich bevorzuge Süßigkeiten.
Er ist immer noch verbittert, denn er hat entdeckt, dass die Frauen, die er im Internet kennengelernt hat, ein Mann ist.

Die grieche Sprache hat mehrere Wörter für Liebe, aber am meisten interessiere ich mich für "Eros", der leidenschaftliche Lust ist.
Ich habe einmal früher geglaubt, dass ich immer dick und ungeliebt wäre, aber seit ich mit dem Trainieren und der gesunde Ernährung begonnen habe, bin ich fit und ungeliebt geworden.
Ich kann mich noch an das Erste Mal erinnern, als ich die Frau geküsst habe, die später meine Frau geworden ist; ich habe in ihrem Zimmer mit einer Leiter hinunter geklettert und wir hörten Musik, bevor ich sie geküsst habe.

Frage: klingt es plump, bei der Bildung einer Satzes immer zwischen Präteritum und Perfekt zu wechseln?

my wife chino... I WANT TO FUCK CHINO
please chino is so cute my wife chino is so cute chino chan sex chino sex with chino i'd like some more kafuu chino sex with chino kafuu chino my wife cute is so chino wife


How common are extra matres lectionis in Hebrew?

schewpid yank



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Kocham cię
Ten pierścionek wygląda na drogi
Oni żenią się jutro

Moi rodzice byli ze sobą przez prawie 30 lat
Niektóre kobiety lubią dostawać róże od swoich chłopaków, ale ja wolę słodycze
On wciąż jest zgorzkniały, ponieważ odkrył, że kobieta, którą poznał online, jest mężczyzną

Język grecki ma kilka słów na miłość, ale mnie najbardziej interesuje eros czyli namiętne pożądanie
Dawniej wierzyłem, że zawsze będę gruby i niekochany, ale od czasu kiedy zacząłem ćwiczyć i dobrze się odżywiać stałem się wysportowany i niekochany
Wciąż pamiętam pierwszy raz kiedy pocałowałem dziewczynę, która później została moją żoną; po cichu wspiąłem się po drabinie do jej sypialni i słuchaliśmy muzyki zanim ją pocałowałem


What the fuck is this on the russian torrent I can only download half of it despite there being about 200 peers

Attached: dfgh.png (434x30, 5.77K)

>can understand most of the stuff written in south Slavic languages
>have to translate Polish, Czech and even most of Ukrainian
It ain't fair

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polish is like russian but heavily palatalized and how of the vowel is reduced

반지가 비싸 보여요
내일 그들은 서로 결혼됩니다

우리 부모님이 30년 동안쯤 함께 사세요
어떤 여자는 장미를 받는 것을 좋아하는데 나는 사탕이 맘들어요
그는 인터넷에서 만나던 여자가 사실에 남자였다는 발견부터 아직도 써요

No, the significant part of vocabulary does not overlap. I can understand separate words or, on occasion, even whole sentences but the gist of the entire text always gets lost. If you can understand Russian then it's probably the case of one-sided intelligibility.

я любю ты
This is the only one I know 😣

I lov your

Same level