Rip EU

Rip EU
>No gas
>No food
>No coal
>No oil

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Two more weeks.

why am i still here then

No future

Did Putin cut us finally off? 😳

T-this time for sure!

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can i come to canada

We do produce enough food.
Coal and oil we'll just need to buy elsewhere
Gas is the only problem.

There is no flow of Gass in any pipelines going to Germany you are fucked my guy burn paper then.

you stopped raping your 4 year old sister to post this?

Dayum no wonder it’s snowing.

the oil is actually a problem
I haven't been able to buy sunflower oil in a month, stores just don't restock it anymore

Build a pipeline from Canada to EU then.
>No money
Then you deserve to live without natural gas

dont care not my problem

That's because a lot of sunflower farmer are currently being shelled by the russians.

we are those farmers tho

>no normal flight routes east

oh noooo, what will I do without my precious sunflower oil, boo hoo.
You people are retarded as fuck, just buy olive oil, raps or what ever. There are thousand alternatives.

From what I've heard, you're the future sunflowers

Regular vegetable oil here. I think I saw sunflower oil. Maybe people are hoarding the wrong stuff? Either way, I use olive oil.

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>just buy olive oil, raps
refined versions are very hard to find in normal stores because people usually just buy sunflower for refined
I just switched to butter, animal fat etc for cooking

good luck frying on olive oil

pls send aid semen we're starvin'

>No coal

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i fry on olive oil every day cyka

yeah, it works, I unironically do it all the time since I like the taste more.

To be honest noone is going to help you.
Lmao if you believe that

i only fry with olive oil

I actually just did. It's healthier than full frying in oil. Thanks Ivan, now we are even for us liberating you from McDonalds.

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we going GREEEEEN

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