QT refugee girl arrived in Japan!

QT refugee girl arrived in Japan!

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I don't care about your insect island mr Kitajima.

Very uncalled for, Mr Leiberman

I would rather kill myself than live in japan amongs those weird, evil, soulless, slant eyed mongoloid insects.

better than the homestay niggers i keep seeing in jap movies

Job openings: jav porn actress, tv foreign reactor

I hate women, now give me (You).

>a white girl comes to japan
>Asian men lose there shit and start plotting to rape her

Image being j*panese


She is going to get groped and raped by big and fat sumo fighters, isn't she?

as long as it's respectful rape, rape is wonderful

Good morning

sex sex sex sex!

Sumo wrestlers are voluntarily celibate.

>Yemen, Afghanistan, and tons of other shitholes filled with sandnigger defect from their homeland due to some serious problem
>tell them to fuck off, visa rejected, troublemaking Muslims are not allowed in this great nation of nippon
>white female, one of the most attractive kinds overall the world, defects to Europe
>p-pureusu come to myy countriii rather than europeee itatakimasuu Mitsubishi toyota nippon arigato hirohito naruhito akihito desuuuuuu
Why are they like this?

How? Did she go to Poland, pay for plane ticket, landed in Japan and was like "i am refugee!!" or what?

Lmao they are know for having really hot wives (because of the prestige and wealth of sumo wrestler)

rape and pedo posters/tweets from japan are koreans

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is related to our country. If we approve Russia's invasion to Ukraine, that means Russia could invade Japan too. Yes, Ukraine, Russia, and Japan are all neighbor countries in one row. This is why we are willing to accept the refugees from Ukraine.

Based volcels

like sand nig should be burnt again

come and live in germany then 😉

White pig


She is 20. Very over age and ripe

>I don't care about your insect island mr Kitajima.
>I would rather kill myself than live in japan amongs those weird, evil, soulless, slant eyed mongoloid insects.

Attached: 65rt67eyrfdtgfchg.png (1283x500, 161.44K)

Deadass 💀
Especially when you see what they did to this poor Junko.

Meanwhile her brother was just captured and tortured by Chechens

The biggest island in South Kurils has 60% ethnic Ukrainian population.
Japanese desire to collect Ukrainians has no bounds

more like they'll fap to their pantsu

What an immature childish asshole