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what about wage enslaved ancestors

Only blacks can be slaves

California didn’t even have slaves, why should the richest states pay for the fuck up ones? Louisiana and Mississippi should pay for this shit

well, at least that'll settle it, hopefully? after that can we finally move on?


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i thought bill cosby was in prison

Look I hate to come off as a heart bleeding liberal here (I voted Trump thank you very much) but the kind of things Blacks have to go through in America are far worse than anything any other person has gone through in the entirety of history. We could give all Blacks free collage and free food for generations and it wouldn't be enough. Simply put, the amount of suffering white slavers put on Blacks was so great we are still seeing it's effects today even without slavery or segregation THEY LITERALLY EVOLVED RACIST OPPRESSION, but at least this is a small step in the right direction.

Lmao we gave them affermative action food stamps and more for half a century. Of course this won't settle anything. Tyrone will buy some meth then ask for more money.

This was long overdue. Americans have treated and still treat their citizens, their fellow men like shit. In the grand scheme of things this is the bare minimum really.

But black americans are the ones who are descended from slave owners, most white americans aren't. So do the blacks pay themselves reperations?

You might be on to something.

I fucking hate Americans because they think solely in vague terms like ‘justice’ instead of realizing that what matters is outcomes. Will one-time lump sum cash payments really help black people? Absolutely no, this kind of strategy never leads to a sustained improvement in any relevant metric. Look at how Americans used their stimulus checks, most of them either saved it because they already have enough money or squandered it on random bullshit (which drove up already problematic inflation).

oddly enough the chappelle reparations skit talks about this

>spending money increase inflation
Canadian education everyone.

>who can prove direct lineage
based, that means nobody will get reparations

It does when you spend it on crack like niggers

>slavery is worse than genocide

how about fentanyl and prescription opioids? still blaming china for your failure to self-moderate?

>gulf country
>talking about moderation

>muh emirati degeneracy
its pretty much the maktoum family, ethnic emiratis like me don't even smoke at western rates

Not to belittle anyone's hardships, but...

American blacks have 100x the opportunities compared to most of Africa.

Might as well extend the benefit program to all households with risk factors for kids getting fucked in life instead of some skin-color centered bullshit.

Yes because slavery still have victims a century after it ended.

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They also should pay reparations to Asian Americans for the exclusion laws and mass lynchings against Asians in California

Imagine if every black person had $1000 and they all knew that each other had $1000, they'd blow it immediately
Why would you give reparations to people who chose to migrate there?
>exclusion laws
I don't think the people excluded are there to receive reparations

>asian americans
no such thing, the only true americans are the english,scots, irish and welsh, everyone else are fake