He speaks the soulless standard language rather than a sovlfvl dialect

>he speaks the soulless standard language rather than a sovlfvl dialect
you don't do that in your country right user?

Attached: h0i97baon5551.jpg (904x864, 83.77K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>sovl: thing that's good and useful
>sovlless: thing that's obsolete and useless

Attached: tuxedo pepe gun.jpg (860x778, 104.55K)

why yes i do
learn to speak like a normal person, idiot

Sovl started as a joke and now people are using it to cope

if someone speaks standard german in austria how will people react?

There are no dialects in Russian

I speak Yooper English. Does that count?

public lynching
post example

i do both

Этo чтo?

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I am incapable of speaking standard Slovene

incredibly based

Фaйлик? Tы пoнимaeшь, чтo этo нaтягивaниe coвы нa глoбyc? Дa, я гoвopю "бopдюp", питepцы гoвopят "пopeбpик". Mocквичи oкaют (или aкaют, я нe знaю), хoтя я этoгo нe cлышy. Ho этo aбcoлютныe мeлoчи дaжe пo cpaвнeнию c paзницeй мeждy aмepикaнcким и бpитaнcким aнглийcким

swiss german is the most SOVL of all

>refuse speak the standard language unless absolutely necessary
>dialect is actually a language (refuse to speak the standard dialect of my dialect as well

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I have a thick dialect. So it's so thick, I have to tone it down to speak to city slickers in order to make myself understood

Attached: 3ac.jpg (600x747, 26.7K)

I refuse to use the standard word for (you) even if Im talking with foreigners
Does that count?

Thou art a chad

I have no choice
My parents spoke completely different dialects so they had to speak the standard with each other and around little me
I can try and larp like I'm a native speaker of my mom's dialect but it just isn't natural for me

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not any more as i got bothered by others not understanding me when speaking of my vesper

>tfw raised by television so I latched on to the Stockholm dialect instead of my local one and now people make fun of me for speaking like a metrosexual city fag

>standard dialect of my dialect

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i have norrbotten dialect, the most based in all of sweden
haha homo

there are no meme dialects in Argentina, only argie Spanish