Mexico is doomed?

Mexico is doomed?
they can literally start a civil war

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Yes we ded nigga, itz over frfrfr

first of all when wasn't mexico doomed and when wasn't mexico not in a civil war, and secondly everyone including the government hates the government anyway so what makes you think a mexican civil war would last long. All the narco officers are ex-mex military that hate the mexican military for stealing wages from them

>when wasn't mexico not in a civil war
when it was a dictatorship during the porfiriato and pri eras

PRI era was a civil war for the first 20 years and only stopped when they were all deported here

i think noone on Any Forums truly understands mexicos sovl

in which country they catch famous criminals and then have to release him because someone whos not a judge said so
man o man

El mencho will probably retire soon. He is too sick to continue this. Everything will go back to normal soon

well but the next 50 years it wasn't at civil war then

Think i have that truck in gta


i once got robbed by a police officer in mexico for 1000 pesos, therefore i think these guys are based and i hope they kill many pigs

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shes italian

They will be killed by the army in no time though

pretty sure their army can handle with esas creaturas very well

no, they buy them

She's nafri

They will be history like the zetss. The cartels from Sinaloa and state of mexico will outlast them

it just increases the stakes, mexican prison wardens can release known criminals (and have to, due to overpopulation) but if they release high profile cases then they are going to be killed by an inevitable CIA op/secret police raid. Mexico's government is shitty but they're not that stupid, when things need to happen they have non-uniformed state security services do the job along with our CIA and CIA contractors. It's very similar to Wagner Group, but without any respect for rule of law or respect for civilians.

kif kif

the webm was unrelated


why would they start a civil war in a corrupt shithole? the biggest enemy they have is other cartels not the fucking goverment lmao

>they can literally start a civil war
narcos have no political incentive but money

if mexicans loved their country they'd support an autocrat to fix it desu, because thats what mexico needs, a caesar. Thirdies don't have what it takes and won't make personal sacrifices for the State

based seƱor mencho
I wish our criminals were half as competent.

it's literally unfixable without a foreigner country stepping in, anyone with any power that has the idea to go agaisn't cartels can get assasinated, as long as america is consuming drugs mexico will keep being a cartel country

Every country needs a bunch of autistic technocrats with nagging wives to rule the country.