Be city slicker

>be city slicker
>visit the countryside of your own country, sometimes in your own region
>can't understand a fucking word the locals are saying

does this happen in your cunt?

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For New Yorkers yeah, but the feeling is mutual

but nu yawk accent is based

Not at all


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It's the city slickers I can't understand half the time, despite being one.

Yes, urban vs rural accents in the same region sound very different here, the rural ones are way harder to understand

t. city slicker


at least they still speak the same language as you (except for catalonia/basque country)

yeah, literally impossible to understand

kinda based ngl

my grandparents unironically talk like this (they also live near Elvas like the guy in this video), I have an extremely hard time understanding them

Yes, it happened to some cousins of mine. I live in the countryside.

Machmood Al Berberi you are not Spanish...

yes, i hate f*rmers

Understood like 70% of what he said

what is redneck spanish like?

New Yorkers don’t think they have an accent.

>Did someone just fucking mention, that hive of niggers, Italians, Irish, and mestizos known as New Wop?

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Yeah happens a lot

>tfw am the local
it's a north flawda thing

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