Let's study Japanese Language!!

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Teach me Japanese


how do I ask a pre-schooler out in japanese

OK, at first Let's study Hiragana Katakana


please after me
"n,ne-, o.o.ojouchan? i.i.issyoni asobanai?"

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funny comic
apparently it's さじ, but I've never heard that used

sugoi desu ne?

how do I say I'm hungry so I'm going to go to McDonald's?

yes, sometimes foreigners has knowledge more than Japanese.


"onaka pekorin nanoda, makudonarudo ni ikunoda."

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The only reason I'm not learning Japanese is kanas. For some reason I can remember Kanjis but can't even guess what a Kana means even after looking at a chart for a whole hour.
t. dumbass

How about キス?

Well, お腹ペコリンなのだ、マクドナルドに行くのだ。(did i spell ペコリン correctly, for some reason it gave me ペコりん first)

actually, memorize Hiragana Katakana is very easy, Japanese languages characters are mix with vowel and consonant, very easy to read compare with other alphabet sentence language.


very good (=゚ω゚)d

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have you tried writing each one say 50-100 times?

I was asking about the 日本名 (the correct answer is 接吻).
It's basically just an alphabet (technically not). Just get one of those phone apps and practise recognition. It will take around 2–4 hours.

Yes I've tried but I'll try again soon.

>I was asking about the 日本名 (the correct answer is 接吻).
yes, and sometimes say 口吸 and 口付


Isn't that Chinese?

if it doesn't work you could also try to start reading with a kana chart at the side. it will be quite slow at first but it'll be more interesting and feel better if you manage to read a word. I used to take classes and there was a guy still reading with a katakana chart after two years, and others misread them too. I still confuse a kana for another sometimes, so you're not the only dumbfuck.
you could also make your own mnemonics for the kanas, e.g. わ (wa) looks like a whale spouting water and whale is 'Wal' in German. I feel like this slows you down if you have to remember that every time you read it, but it's better than not remembering it at all.
good luck!



that is Japanese language since ancient time

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Let's study more more


more Let's more

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Why are they split into 4 sections?