Did you know Indonesia have real life dragon?

Did you know Indonesia have real life dragon?

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Comfortable dragon

aww there playing

monitor lizards, the biggest one being komodo dragons, are the closest relatives to snakes

what happens if one of them gets you

they are extremely strong plus venomous, they have a very potent anticoagulant, kinda like our jararacas, plus they have a ton of bacteria in their mouth

They're pretty cool but also very venomous

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I want to hug one.

that creature is prehistoric. A gorgeous reptile but I'm against the fact that this one is in a non-wild setting (barring some extreme extreme immuno-disorder etc)

Please come visit Komodo Island (real life Jurassic Park)

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Will I face discrimination in Indonesia for being east asian? Is it safe to bring my sister?

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That's a giant lizard. Real dragons breath fire

I do and they're scary



We have them here too and they live in the sewers or the jungle

you'll blend in as local
we have many chinese here

that's biawak

I am not Chinese and my sister literally looks like Japanese


Vermithrax Pejorative

>not chinese
>from taiwan
are a aboriginal or something ? we're literally the same race then
but everyone will treat an english speaking tourist nicely

He's the delusional Taiwanese poster that thinks he's Japanese

Taiwanese are not Chinese