The reason why Mexico is ungovernable is that the inhabitants have long ago learned to distrust and neutralize all...

The reason why Mexico is ungovernable is that the inhabitants have long ago learned to distrust and neutralize all written laws and to govern themselves in their own rough homemade fashion as if official institutions did not exist. This arrangement is highly unsatisfactory because it cures no ills, promotes injustice and tyranny, leaves crimes unpunished, does not make use of the Mexicans' best qualities (which are minimal at best), and has kept the country stagnant and backward in almost every way.

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mexico feels like what america was before 9/11. free spirited and wild like the wild west.

Dumb milenial neoliberal malthusian take. The PRI was deemed the perfect dictatorship for a reason. Nazis and communist all collapsed except the PRI, thats because Mexico was iron-fist ran government thru the 30's-late 70's.

IMF and USA imposed on us brutal neoliberal austerity measures which shrank the government, eliminated many social welfare programs.

Nafta also killed the agricultura because amerimutt farmers are heavily subsidized, thus left almost 500,000 people jobless that became the reservoir army of criminal gangs.

We may be spied on constantly but our gun laws have definitely gotten looser since 9/11.
Just look at how many states have constitution carry now vs how many states had conceal carry of any kind legal in the 90s

>The PRI was deemed the perfect dictatorship
I would've thought that was the Porfiriato since at least he industrialized the country and cracked down on banditry

Mexico was doomed from the beginning, after the independence it had no army and massive debt and ended up becoming a colony of the US.

I am very happy for this, they deserve it for betraying the crown and the church.

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> cracked down on banditry

Porfirio was the bandid. Hes social darwinist government killed all rebellious workers, trade unions, democrats, petit bourgeois.

> i should work myself to death in some mine extracting silver for the glory of the pope and some spic kings

Kys nigger

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>el campo

Se la pasan mamando como si el campo durante el regimen priista no hubiera sido una industria estancada, corrupta y subdesarrollada.

Si el pri no colapso fue porque la segunda guerra mundial le dio el impulso economico al paĆ­s que el Pri por si solo nunca pudo haberle dado.

Ahora vete a la mierda, tu, tu familia entera y hasta tus mascotas

So is worst than Murderzil?

Not my problem


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> i should work myself to death in some mine extracting silver for the glory of the American empire and the judeo-masonic church :)

I celebrate whenever I read about american guns killing Mexicans, the recent Masacre in Michoacan is an example :)

Let's hope more mexicans die due to the drug war :)

And he achieve all that power because Juarez and his party wrote the Reforma Laws and the McLane-Ocampo treaty

>people that live under a unfair system learned to distrust such system

No shit sherlock

> Se la pasan mamando como si el campo durante el regimen priista no hubiera sido una industria estancada, corrupta y subdesarrollada.

Al menos teniamos seguridad alimenticia

> la sgm salvo al capitalismo

No shit nigger

> i suck gringo cock

We will liberate ourselves from the gringo empire just like we did from the spanish empire

I bet you are the chinese trans

I don't, you and MORENA does :)

>We will liberate ourselves from the gringo empire just like we did from the spanish empire
TOP KEK, the war independence didn't even end with a liberated Mexico. read a book retarded commie.

Actually I am a Castizo, tranny hater, nazbol hispanista :)

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having trust in your government is nice, socialism (nordic socialism, free markets but high tax) can actually work then. You should try it sometime.

>seguridad alimentica
>pri capitalista

Kek debes ser mayor de edad para postear aqui

more info about all of this?

Literally just force Mexicans to pay taxes and fine parents for their kids dropping out of school

>Pay taxes that end up as gibs for poor brown people

no thanks.

Mexico is poor because United States wants it to be poor. Simple as.

After the 70s was when they started massive population relation to the US

>chinese trans

El pri era capitalista pero su ideolocia era nacionalismo economico

Vuelve a reddit maricon

It was during the 90s when Carlos Salinas de Gortari was elected and started funding the cartels on top of stealing everything he could and sending the economy crashing down ala Venezuela..

Seethe traitor nigger

You call us gringo slaves yet your beloved motherland has 3 gringo bases jajajaj

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The New World was a mistake.

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The reason why Mexico is a shithole is because the government is hopelessly overcentralized and useless.
By all means, the country should fall apart but the actual structure of the country keeps getting reinforced by the United States to stabilize it's borders. What Mexico needs is not regime change but a dismantling of the state.

Yo soy tan blanco que hasta me llamaran gringo en Mejico
Edson Arantes do Nascimento

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> nazbol
> hispanigger

Youre double retarded

>traitor calling anyone a traitor

>your beloved motherland has 3 gringo bases jajajaj
it would the opposite but your kind decided to give the Mississippi to the yanks :)

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>I suffer in the Netherlands because my parents bought the wrong brand of weed

Cry more about it leftypol :)

Los Virreinatos would have been the global hegemonic power oif not for traitors like you.


"Pobre Mexico, tan lejos de Dios y tan cerca de estados unidos"
Unfortunately I know too many people who acknowledge that Mexico is corrupt yet turn around and completely buy into bullshit USA media narratives and propaganda, like with "social justice" topics and covid vaccines for example

>implying I am suffering

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Fuck off Chi

Mexico was fine when it's government qas centralized, it all went down hill when we started shilling for neoliberal policies which caused their economy to collapse