Thirdies of int, aren't you scared of having these things around the house?

Thirdies of int, aren't you scared of having these things around the house?

Attached: lpg-tank.jpg (720x377, 84.22K)

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Not in the least bit

You die inside everyday so it's not much problem

That shit can be a bomb, I always get nervous arlund those

Diaspora here, we used to have those when I was younger. I remember going to the gas station when I was a kid to fill them up if they were empty. Sovulful times. Like going to the local blockbuster before we just got foxtel.

i saw a bunch of cars that run on this but its rare
i wish i had one because its relatively cheap compared to gasoline

Attached: 1647778627825.png (1000x871, 407.9K)

here they are checked for condition and you get a free replacement usually

I swear you guys are slowly becoming entitled firsties by the day. El balón de gás tiene alma, Juanito.

We sell those in our home.

Attached: d5563ba12c6c2f974ebdb88e43f1c9c0.jpg (640x640, 38.89K)

Firstie kids eat like pigs while thirdies kids carry gas tanks for fun, then everyone wonders why there are so many femboys

No, why should I? The usual way to have an accident with one is to do something stupid and deliberatetely mess around with it.

What kind of miserable dog do you think I am?, I have pic related

Attached: images-2144.jpg (701x438, 25.74K)



Sir we put diesel on Coke borrles and leace them outside.
LPG isn't really dangerous until the tank get very rusty.

i thought they couldn't explode

They're very handy and we toss them around too. The only dangers is if they're leaking and there's a source of heat around like a lighter.

They unironically can't, that dude is simply dumb, there is a valve to prevent explosion, the gas itself can ignite and explode, but the tank itself won't explode.

most of the explosion case are caused by the faulty hose that connects the tanks with the stove.
or it's something like this

Attached: instalacion_gas.png (485x255, 127.27K)

People die all the time from that gas

Oh they certainly can, I bet some third worlders sell reused canisters with damaged/removed fail safes.