How are mentally ill people treated in your country?

how are mentally ill people treated in your country?

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Depends, kinda fine if you are somewhat rich. And most poor ones end up in public institutions (which aren't that great) or they just live on the street.

how are you treated ?


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Often we elect them to government offices

I saw an old man punch himself in the head repeatedly the other day at the train station

Laugh at them because they're usually naked on the streets. Cops will not take them into custody unless they're hurting people like throwing stones on speeding cars.

I have no clue.

We get welfare, and then it depends on the area in germany you life.

I have bipolar disorder, but few people know u_u

when I was a kid I didn't knew that mentally ill meant suicidal pepo

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What's your diagnosis user?

Not well

Well if you can afford treatment
Insurance companies deliberately try to avoid paying for mental health care. That's part of the reason why suicides and drug addiction killed like 150k people last year.

I don't have a diagnosis but I suspect I might have asperger or/and some personality disorder
at least the symptoms I have show very high chances of asperger in my opinion

what are your symptoms?

What symptoms have you noticed? Aspergers is often very manageable.

why don't you got to a psicologist?

The state gives them bux but it's a pitiful amount of money, and when they steal we throw them in prison.

Prison makes them even crazier, eventually they get released, the cycle repeats.

i'd rather have a schizo candidate in office than a totally sane presenting psychopath

I've went to one psychologist and two psychiatrists and the last psychiatrist told me to go to a psychiatrist that specializes on ADHD but he said that even if I have something else he will find it

definitely social awkwardness, I can't make friends and I may not want that because I know that I am awkward

I can't change the tone of my voice, like anything I say, even questions are on the same boring tone and it's easily noticeable

I avoid eye contact all the time

Can't focus easily at all(might be ADHD or ADD and not related to asperger), have some strong interests like history and geography but nothing else at this point, I used to care about technology and computers etc but this interest is long gone

I prefer to be alone and just waste all my time on the computer

I can get seroquel for cheap without a prescription because of some stupid loop hole in my shit country and I usually take 25-50mg (the lowest dose is 25mg) on the evening in order to be able to have some rest without waking up all the time and I have to say that even if it's very strong during its action, it's probably a decent mood stabilizer but I haven't tried biggest doses in a regular basis but if I did I think it would work well as a mood stabilizer

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a box of 60 x 25mg generic seroquel costs me 10 euros