Basically the same language

>basically the same language
>basically the same culture
Why don't we just put aside the small differences and form one Iberian Empire?

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>yo soy

The basis for your unity(Roman Catholicism) is gone so there isn't any point.

lol you wish miguelito

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It's not yet gone in Portugal

Portugal is Spain without gypsies
Spain is Portugal with sovl and history

Because they'd only increase our debt and make us poorer, it's the bizarro version of Catalonia.

Attached: LjHlSHAZcMrr9kJaaiaKTmvS1OxuAvXrQl_qiY79_Mc.jpg (1440x1373, 101.71K)

>without gypsies
They're unironically a huge problem in the south here

Portugal is communist, wdym

Spaniards are way more outgoing and party animals than the poortuguese. We need this split to be able to differentiate.

>joining wypipo

They're not mutually exclusive

They're loud party pipo like italians

??? Socialism and State Catholicism cannot exist side by side, Joao. You should know this. What happened to the Socialists when the dictators Franco and Salazar took over? They got fucking purged.

Yes. Equals in mediocrity

>state catholicism
You didn't say that before, we're catholics but the state isn't

Imperio Ibérico

Just imagine how based it would be. Even just sounds based

The gypsy part is categorically false

I'm in, let's do it. There was no real reason for us to have split anyway.

I would give them the north for 2 euros

They should literally name it gypsy peninsula.

Deal, we would love to break free from lixoboa.
t. northener

So we agree, nice :)

incorporate us too

They are, read the Rerum Novarum.