I wish you guys could understand French LMFAO

This video, is literally the epitome of the two types of Black men in France. The Thug, and the "Whiter than White" Black man.
Surrealist moment KEK

Tanguy David, one of Zemmour's men got Agressed by the dude on the left, because apparently David told him to fuck off in the metro.

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Allez Paris!

>Tan guy

You really think outsiders care about this topic ?

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so Tanguy David is the 'whiter than white' guy on the right who's with Zemmour. who's the thug?

The guy on the left, but honestly this felt like a whole skit. I know Tanguy is a genuine Zemmour guy but the dude on the left is so retarded he's funny retarded, literal ministrel

I never understood why black people wear hats(?) like that

What did they say?

coping for balding

Durags (that "Hat" or more so, bandana) are for keeping wave haircuts clean

well for me personally it's interesting i guess considering it's exactly the same here.

we have ghetto porch monkeys and we have well-to-do suburban african american men. although the latter is still liable to chimp out and complain about muh racism when they want attention

watched it all but no one got slapped.?

I wish you talked a little slower, so I could understand more.

Long story short:
>Thug on the left who served 17 years in prison saw Tanguy in the Metro; calls him to take pictures and "talk with him", but talk, not necessary in a good way
>Tanguy who's been threatened and agressed this past few months for showing his support to Zemmour but also having a position at his party at only 18 triggers a lot Arabs or black from the Banlieue, so he basically went full "Around Blacks, dont Relax"
>The thug didn't appreciate it, start calling him out violently
>Tanguy "broke character" and told him to fuck off
>Infuriated the thug and Agressed him.
>Now they were invited to the show to give their both version, and the thug is basically clowning Tanguy

Outsider here. I LOVE this topic.

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Simple. Rustic. Elegant. Love it.

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Do nerdy black guys exist in Europe? I imagine it's even worse there than it is in America. Every once in a while here a nerdy black guy might luck out and land a cute black girl or even a white girl that isn't completely fat, but I feel like if you're black in Europe you need to overcompensate on the whole thug thing to get pussy.

I've been wearing a suit since I was 15. When you're black people automatically think you're no good so you need to visually separate yourself.

I even wear glasses I don't need.

It's not lame if it fits properly. What's with zoomers and fetishizing subhuman fast fashion garbage?

Does Zemmour stand any chance? Seems like the entire establishment is actively working against him in shady ways

no they all turn into rappers

>actively working against him in shady ways
oh noez the way they're working against him are SHADY you guise and it makes me menstruate all over the place from my VAGINA because chud fragility is REAL

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Macron is almost guaranteed to win re-election at this rate. He's polling very well for the first round of voting and in the second round, most of the moderates and leftists will coalesce around him. Plus, Le Pen is still doing better than Zemmour.

Are you alright?

I'm all left, you stupid vagina

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How the fuck is Macron winning when his presidency was nothing but major protests and policies that pissed people off.
See, this is what I mean by shady shit going on. Things just feel off. Unless the majority of the French are actually this retarded.

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Most of people want to keep the current thing going unlike the protesters

>Things just feel off
please respect this little girl's fee fees, you guise!
the fee fees are REAL

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