We will have overtaken Germany by 2050, Germans beware

We will have overtaken Germany by 2050, Germans beware

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>implying europe won't be poor as fuck and ridden with war in the upcoming decade

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Germany will just let in more Turkish BVLLS to raise the GDP

Thought this was a weather forecast is some obscure temperature scale lol

can I move to poland then?

Rusia will turn your cuntry in a shithole

You wont do it we will stride till the last man standing.

Only Russia and Ukraine. The rest of Europe will thrive with millions of well educated young Ukrainian immigrants and industry moving back.

how can a country grow backwards? Germans explain yourselves, 11 years have passed and you're even worse off than you used to be

>High: 119°A = 29.75°C
>Mean: 92°A = 23°C
>Low: 77°A = 19.25°C
It's real now

Uncontrolled immigration will literally drive the prices of food and common goods up and will implode the social fabric and labor market of Europe.

Europe has no room for 10+ million immigrants flooding your countries, even if they are skilled and with similar culture.

This, combined with the strain of energy prices going up and the dependency of the German industry towards Russia will literally make the next 5-10 years an economic and social hell which will probably result in conflict.

The nowadays EU unity against Russia came as an act of desperation, because the elites of your countries are seriously endangered, thus they are demanding full loyalty of every sector of society in containing the upcoming crisis.

If I were a european, I would be seriously concerned about the future and start hoarding cash and other stuff for an eventual crisis and even considering fleeing to another place.

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You live in our 2000s. We also used to extrapolate our growth back then and predict to surpass X or Y by this or that year. Economic growth slows down eventually.

>will literally drive the prices of food

dude, Europe is first world, no one cares about food prices here because they make up a very small percentage of your monthly expenses overall, even if the price grows twice it's really nothing

not to mention Europe has huge agricultural reserves and is self-sufficient when it comes to food, also several million people more is nothing for Europe

>Europe has no room for 10+ million immigrants flooding your countries, even if they are skilled and with similar culture.

Europe can easily house many more people than it has now. Rural areas in European countries suffer from severe depopulation and actually need people. Many areas like southern Italy or eastern Germany even have special promo actions that you can buy a house for 1 euro here just to attract someone to settle down there.

>combined with the strain of energy prices going up

That's a temporary problem, in the long term Russia will be just replaced with gas and oil supplies from other countries, also Europe is phasing out non-renewables anyway.

>If I were a european, I would be seriously concerned about the future

Thirdies have always been saying things like that and at the end the only places which are getting worse are their countries while first world is getting even more first and the income gap between the rich and the poor keeps growing.

Whatever you say m8

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ok fren, just remember that every modern state is nothing but a scam to force you into being a loyal subject of an elite that gives zero shits about you.
You only exists for them if you are a citizen that pay taxes and contributes to the system.
I mean, they will be the first to threaten you and send you to die for them when the order they built is threatened. And the glorious "european project" is nothing different from that.
Europe as a whole is only thriving these days because they serve a purpose and they will sacrifice everything, including your prosperity and welfare for that.

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I don't know why thirdies think that if they have issues with food shortages then Europe has it even worse kek. People really underestimate what an agricultural superpower Europe is, even if it's overall a small part of European economy, in nominal numbers European agriculture mogs the rest of the world. Europe isn't dependent on Russia or Ukraine for food in any way.

It's because your supply chains and your "food exports" are built on complex centralized infrastructures which in a war will be the first to fall.
While big countries like Russia, China, USA and Brazil have much more decentralized supply chains and production.

>It's because your supply chains and your "food exports" are built on complex centralized infrastructures which in a war will be the first to fall.

You're totally mixing up Europe with the US. In Europe agriculture is based on small and medium, often family-run farms and is actually very decentralized.

Where are you?

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You honestly should take your meds

>In Europe agriculture is based on small and medium,
lol, the biggest exporter of food in Europe is the netherlands fren, they mostly produce and export stuff out of greenhouses, also you guys mostly export vegetables, while in the protein sector you guys are surpassed by everyone else

This is overall GDP, not per capita

>while in the protein sector you guys are surpassed by everyone else

Eating meat is passe, soon it will be banned all over the world.

well my greatgrandpa came from spain in the civil war era and he said to me while he was alive that he was never more happy to have immigrated to Brazil, because of all the food and peace that we have here.

Westen Europe got one of the richest lands of the world and due to how it developed itself culturally it's bound to have conflict one way or another, not mattering the amount of material prosperity it has nowadays

>Eating meat is passe, soon it will be banned all over the world.
Who will ban it, the UN? lol

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