Do black people assault asians in your country?

do black people assault asians in your country?

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He's clearly wearing a mask, so people think he's black.

>asian is highlighted
>black is not

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Everyone does here. Blacks whites even the tacos. Every race working together to get rid of all the bugs

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theres no asians attacking asians

makes you think

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Yes and they are based for doing so

Yeah nigga fuck deez more successful immigrants they ain't shit

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We only hate ricecels. It has nothing to do with being successful. Indians are succesful and nobody hates them

Oh no no no

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The whole hatred of gooks started because of COVID. Nobody is shitting on them for being “successful”. Lol

Chinese bros...

What do the trannies have against us

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Asians need to stop being so inconvenient to the narrative that "people of color" are oppressed and that's why blacks are poor, failing in school (white-centric curriculum) or always being arrested (laws against drug dealing/vandalism exist to jail non-whites.) Their low crime rates and exceling in school means they're not real people of color.

they are yellow therefore people of color

We're still savage enough to bite back, so we're good.

We only attack chinks

Yeah bro you can't stand second gen aisan immigrants who become doctors and politicians fucking 70 percent go to college .
But the system is racist

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Hispanics just don't want blacks. Cope mutt

Stop using vpn adit, also
>not remembering our i can't breathe

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wtf are you talking about lol

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I'm black and had plenty hispanic friends. Only chinks have been racist against me.

What are you on about retard? Nobody hates on Asians because they get into a college lmfao. Again, the attacks are because of gooks creating COVID

Yes, but black people assault everybody. themselves most of all.