The people of this tiny little island got closer than anyone to conquering the world

The people of this tiny little island got closer than anyone to conquering the world.

Why? What's so special or different about them?

Attached: Great Britain_0.jpg (300x480, 13.63K)

They are superior, but renombre that does not include you.

It’s pretty easy when the people they conquered only had spears. That’s why they were completely incapable of conquering any land on mainland Europe where, you know, they’d actually shoot back

Kek, remember*

Spain came closer, but neither had the balls to try to conquer continental Europe

Stupid generalization. Britain won wars against Dutch settlers in the Traansval and conquered empires in India.

>Seafaring culture
>Located at the edge of the known world
>Politically stable in its home island, later became United Kingdom
>Close enough to get latest updates from the continent, yet also separated so as not to involve itself in their drama

european level technology but without any land borders to european neighbours so no need to worry about army so much so they can focus 100% on navy which allows them to easily colonise the rest of the world which is easily conquerable with a few hundred men. It's really not that complicated.

And acadians don’t forget them muchacho. As to why we‘re number 1, because god decided anglos were the main characters of the story.

lmao yeah and every conflict they won took place overseas where they were able to control reinforcements to the colonies allowing them to outnumber and overpower them. Even then they embarrassingly still struggled against the Dutch settlers

anglo americans outnumbered french americans like 10:1 and france couldn't reinforce them cause they had to split their attention between navy/army cause they had neighbours to worry about unlike britain

>It’s pretty easy when the people they conquered only had spears
Our Indians had guns
Your Indians had spears


Lmao we aren’t bragging about conquering Indians. Oh but good on you for conquering 1000 divided micro states. god save the queen!! XDDDDD

So much of England was a near constant battlefield, especially near the borders and yet I continental say this all the time.

>he said in English
kek! stay mindcucked, ANGLO'D morlock :)

Yeah in like fucking 1230 AD, not 1800

You’re speaking American limey, and don’t you forget it

Okay so the thousand years of constant warfare that preceded it and the fact that they were still at war just not on home soil just don’t count I guess.

so you think everyone else wasn't in constant warfare those years lol also it does make a huge difference if the fighting and ravaging of war takes place on your soil or somewhere else. Land ravaged by war takes time to redevelop.
The land where I live for example was ravaged by slavs, hungarians, turks, mongols, swedes, french and russians in different times in history

