It's over

It's over.

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good, humans should go extinct

good, humans should go extinct

bad, humans should conquer THE ENTIRE GALAXY

thats actually good thing, thirdies are polluting more than ever before.

Oh I see we have Children of Men for the World shitstorm bingo up next.

good, I will be able to sell my untouched thirdie svmen to infertile western cucks at a premium

freeze u're sperm now bros, thank me later

World shitstorm movie bingo*

it's the vax

people think ancient people like the romans were retards for using lead water pipes, but turns out modern people are even bigger retards

noooo not the heckin' housing shortages, not the heckin' competition surrounding everything on this damn planet, not the heckin' wars over resources

you dont understand we need consoomers user aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh

just move to switzerland or some other clean place
let downstream fags die

the line must go up tho

Yeah fuck this piece of shits they deserved fucking sinners.

Thirdy countries have the most plastics pollution because you have no enviromental regulations. You will have to import Western NORD BVLL sperm.

Enjoy a dystopian hellhole where everyone is a slave to satanic rule. Oh wait... oh shi...

amish will inherit the world and that's a good thing!

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Solution: Move all plastic waste to India, China and Africa.
World overpopulation and plastic problem solved. Give me money for idea, sirs.

They are sinners too, fuck them.

>Move all plastic waste to India, China and Africa.
They are already are there even Japan.

>drinking from the tap

wtf I didn't think of that... I kneel

most of it is probably already in china and africa desu

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I'm not planning to move to Russia)))

All plastic waste is in the third world yet their birth rates won’t go fucking down.

Except for China, urban birth rate of 0.6 lol

They do that already

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Yeah, You live is in the Shab's hellhole sector. In the pod and eat bugs lol.