This is Borneo...

This is Borneo, the only island in the world that split between three countries and the planned new capital of Indonesia are being build here
Say something nice about them

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isnt this where the monke prostitutes are at

thanks for some nice kratom
I'd like to visit you one day. Do you have a lot of vegan friendly cuisine?
And OP did you grow up in a Hindu or Muslim family

what do mlaysia and brunei think about you moving the capital there?

Yeah kek
I'm a Muslim
Well, they see this as good opportunity to invest infrastructure near the border

>I'm a Muslim


>the only island in the world that split between three countries
"Great Britain" refers to the island. Wales, England, Scotland, 3 countries

Tell me more about the great independent country of Wales user

By that logic Sarawak and Sabah are counted separately making the island have 4 countries on it, your point is?

Why is North Ireland and Ireland not included?

They have a rugby team and a language that some of them speak

I don't know about those banana lands

We are talking about an island. That is the other island

>That is the other island
False equivalence, it's an Island not an "other island". Are you even British?

what are you on

Great Britain is 3 countries

another shit thread from jawak

I am Dayak BVLL

Shut up you celtic vassal, look at the flag on your posts and wake the fuck up.

Antipodean denying reality. Sad!

North America is an island split between 3 countries

Show me on the doll where the anglo touched you

Invade Brunei and steal their oil

Technically Cyprus is split between Turkey, Cyprus and the UK

you autist, the key word is "independent" even if not mentioned by OP

>the only island in the world that split between three countries
Wrong. Great Britain is split between England, Scotland and Wales.

Seek help

Went to Sabah once, pretty cool that you can go scuba diving in the morning and see the same creature on you dinner plate, great seafood 10/10

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