Britbros wtf?!?!?

Britbros wtf?!?!?

Attached: 2345533566.png (301x133, 3.41K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Gaius Suetonius Paulinus

>female leaders

it's gay svetony pauline for you

>Bvdica bros, we got too cocky...


Attached: Italy shit.jpg (653x925, 233.7K)

Woman moment

>Female leader
That's the reason

shit happens

Yes, it happens

Attached: More Italy shit.jpg (318x792, 60.62K)

Imagine dying because of the incompetence of another person, one to whom furthermore you're forced to obey.

The Romans lied about the numbers.

Truly a Frenchman through and through

Attached: B0B86144-2A04-46CF-B047-EB5E9D3AB6C4.jpg (600x660, 45.95K)

Nah it was a woman general and the terrain didnt let them use their numbers.

And his name is more present in France than in Germany kek

That's because in Germany it's spelled "König."

So what?

britons fought naked in order to scare their enemies and only had bronze and iron weapons
romans wore full armour and had steel weapons
how is this so hard for you guys to understand???

Just spam fucking arrows until it's done. Goddamnit.

it's the same stupid question as asking why native americans lost to european armies
they were entire steps above in technological advancement, weaponry, military organisation