Post places from your country that look like they're from another country

Post places from your country that look like they're from another country

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Why is there a random part of Bulgaria that looks like London?

actually not a mosque, but it was built in around 1900 as a tobacoo factory in orientalist style

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Norway? Finland? Sweden?

No, my friends. This is Reading, England.

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it looks just like I would imagine british suburbs look like

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vghhh the deserts of Polanstan

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Pakistan? No, Croatia, central Europe.

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This is not Switzerland....

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>>it looks just like I would imagine british suburbs look like
Damn, foreigners really do think we're a Nordic country. We've got the world fooled.

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is it nordic looking?

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There are no suburbs like that here. Every house has at least a little bit of property around it.

Why does the "'Wood'" always look like plastic

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Yep that sure looks like a middle German city, woulda guessed Hessen or the Palatinate

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Could be any dump

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there isn't a single place in finland that looks like this

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is that Bavaria? No, Leavenworth, WA

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Brazilian favela? No, it's SHITHOLE, ASSPAIN. VGH.

Foreigner would think this is from SEA

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Will our GRΣΣK Brvthers accept us as their lost brvthers?

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Sri Lanka ? Azerbaijan ?
No, it's actually Switzerland.

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it does? i've never been, so i wouldn't know
i dislike how the modern and old elements are mixed
just keep the old parts cobbled and twisted as they ought to be

Also, did you know Sri Lanka is hilly too? Come visit!

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Middle East? No Malmö, Sweden

Looks more like America, buddy

>It does?
>modern and old elements are mixed
That's how that area and west Germany in general tend to look in my experience

just about

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