ITT: insult the country above you

ITT: insult the country above you

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Why would I? I have no grudge against Finland.

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Fuck you fake Poland!

stupid gypsy!! you're brown!!!

The concentration camps were German.

You sex dogs haha.

I can't insult Finland. You are alright.

dude weed lmao

next time without Italy

Second laziest flag in existence.

You probably have sleep for dinner

Spain is nearly as poor as Poland!

Your flag has become Canada tier since the start of the invasion

canadians are one of the best posters here

Pooland is way poorer than Spain B)

stop taking our jerbs you damn mexican

it's too easy

You lost to emus!

Their version of Indians are dumber. Uhhhh vegimite tastes like ass no matter how it‘s eaten, and kangaroos are shittier than beavers.
Other than that we bros.

frig off randy

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bunch of castrated americans

Kek. Based kike

Phone posting so I don't even know what your country is.
Therefore my insult is that your flag and country is so unrecognisable that I cant insult your country