Do you live in the MVTT lands or in an ethnostate?

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mono ethnic countries seems to be the most retarded and backwards. based diversity, bring us advancement and technology.

our nation is very diverse
diversity is our strength.

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Are you blind?

kek sure

85% isn’t even close to monoethnic

Wow! All five different flavors of Jew in a single nation! So diverse!


all of them are either shitholes or have high suicide rates or both.

oh user....

Attached: Screenshot 2022-03-19 at 17-35-25 Geography Now North Korea (DPRK).png (1397x729, 1.02M)

ethnicity not the same as race. example: Bangladeshis are mix of Y, R1a, J, and O. We are proud mutts.

Argentina is like 95% Argentine 5% diverse assortment of Paraguayan, Bolivian and African mystery meat.

Attached: jewjaks.jpg (3000x3000, 1.07M)

I wish we had a ethno state, we wouldn't be at the bottom of the hierarchy any longer.

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What do you mean? Like 91% of the country identify themselves as Han Chinese

Reminder that all of Western andNorthern Europe was res before the 1960s
And that greedy and evil Politicians ruines Europe forever.

I'm sephardi :D

Attached: the five races of finland.png (3298x758, 90.48K)

are you sure its not the two world wars that wiped out more hundreds of millions of europeans?

More like 50% white, 40% mestizos, 10% immigrants

Ethnostate but the ethnicity is insufferable

Guess the only ethnostate in the New World does wonders for them.

I like iceland though

How is that possible for Italy? I swear I saw more negroe migrants there than I did in France.

Spaniards and italians are not white.

Han gets perks so of course they'd claim it but most people in the south and west aren't.
North and east weren't either until Qin.

Call it whatever you want

Those were identitarians.

You just posted a perfect example of just how fucking insufferable my people are.

>50% white Argentines, 40% mestizo Argentines, 10% immigrants
Ok so Argentina is 90% Argentine, same difference. Only mutts are obsessed with skin tone.
t. white (0% Italian ancestry just to be clear)

Populations recovered.
Mass migration is unironically worse than a full scale war+genocide.

Argentine is not an ethnicity, it's a nationality.

Why do you find them insufferable?
and say you had the option to choose a different ethnicity, what would you choose? I'm curios.

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Just because you can't tell them apart doesn't mean they are mono-ethnic.

Mizarahi one is just your average nafri