1. country

1. country
2. do you believe in God?

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Which one?

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1. The United States
2. No, nor anything else supernatural.

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1. flag
2. i wouldnt say so

I dont believe that the abrahamic god exists

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yes, but It representation varies, some times I believe God is the universe itself kinda like Estein's god, sometimes an entity that created everything, and someimes both

yes infact i'm crying right now thinking about the infinite love and mercy of our lord Jesus Christ and our holy mother Maria

try fingers but hole

No you're not m8.

I have a very high IQ so of course I don't believe in god

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Yes I do

>Problem of evil
This one simple concept mindbreaks all believers. None are capable of justifying it

A creator is the only logical explanation for the universe. No scientist can tell you what happened before the "big bang" because they don't know. Meanwhile they act like theists are uneducated retards.

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That's called a Lichtenberg figure

>if god real then why bad

And you can't justify the fact that existence itself showed up out of nothing.

yes i am is me rn

I believe in a creator, but I don’t think he cares about humanity


evil is a social construct

No. Like the other 85% of the country I was raised in a non-religious family and only ever witnessed religion in movies.

Of course I know him. He's me!

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Nobody believes that.

300 years ago we didn’t know about evolution, 500 years ago the heliocentric model was accepted, 3000 years ago we didn’t know Earth was a sphere. All of these things existed and our questions had answers, we just hadn’t discovered them yet. Just because we can’t explain something now doesn’t mean we never will, but time and time again religions have been forced to adapt to new overwhelming evidence that proved their doctrine wrong. No reason to suspect it won’t happen again

Atheist, religion in all forms used to disgust, when i got interested in Japan the spiritual began to interest me as a folkloric aspect, i prayed to gods for fun (in shrines), decided to engage in reading about spiritual traditions.

I now "get" and respect religions but still dont believe, also i think islam and buddhism are the best religions there are

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then the devil dindu nuffin

Yes Jehovah talks to me in my dreams.