Fun fact: Rus, Russia, Ruthenia, Rossiya, Ruzzia are all nothing but synonyms

Fun fact: Rus, Russia, Ruthenia, Rossiya, Ruzzia are all nothing but synonyms.
Slava Rusi!!!!!!!

Attached: kulyak-vyshedshij-na-nagrazhdenie-s-z-na-grudi-ocenil-predlozhenie-fig-diskvalificirovat-e_16478690041331869243.jpg (735x490, 93.88K)

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Slava Ukraine

I want him to step on me

he's so cute

Smerti okupanty

the fact this twink is probably stronger than 97% of Any Forums and can beat the shit out of (You)..

Western Ukraine/Belarus are civilized by Central European influence

This is correct.

Fun Fact: Muscovy was a completely unrelated country that stole this 'Rus' identity from the native Ruthenians.

>and can beat the shit out of (You)..

don't care, didn't ask + ratio

It was one of the Ruthenian principalities that emerged after yhe collapse if Ancient Rus

Add Ukraine and Belarus to the list

You clearly never seen an ukrainian

>completely unrelated country
brain rot

>state school bong brain



what about rusyns?

He dd nothing wrong

fuck I miss hanging out with bros, this looks fun
wish i was 17 again

Rusyns are Russian people brainwashed by Poles to have a meme mentality. Ukrainians claim Rusyns are ukrainians, lol. Yhey literally trest Rusyns the same way Russians treat Oinkrainians.

Stop being rude about your fellow countrymen.
'Oinkrainians' -- this is just shameful.

I, too, wish you were 17 again

>Slave Rusi
I also want a twink russian slave :3


All Slavs are rightfully Swedish subjects.

Even the word ”slav” is Swedish for slave.

We created you, we own you.

>Even the word ”slav” is Swedish for slave.
It's Greek originally. But I agree with the rest uwu