Are people in your cunt potatoe lovers? Which one would you pick?

Are people in your cunt potatoe lovers? Which one would you pick?

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Mashed potato is so good, literally pick any sauce and any meat with mashed potato and it’s delish

we're not huge potato lovers (although we do eat quite a lot of them) but for me, it's mashed potatoes

tortilla de papas > other potato forms

In a bake with herbs, cheesy sauce and bacon

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Omelette with cilantro, sour cream and fat cheese

mashed, though french fries are a very close second


also, I'd pick french fries, though I love every one of those preparation methods other than baked potatoes.

Beef and mushroom stew deglazed with smoked beer and some nice mashed potatoes...oh my god I'm salivating.


Potatos everyday, but nothing fancy, only boiled.

>French Fries
>Mashed Potatoes for Thanksgiving
>Roasted Potatoes
>Baked Potatoes
>Scalloped Potatoes
>Clam Chowder

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Dutch people would eat mashed. But I prefer scalloped.


Mashed > fries > baked
Haven't tried the other 3 but they look gud

French fries then hash browns. I'm seriously sick of eating mashed all the time

Baked but I don't put anything on them, just straight potato.

Not even cheese? that's boring.

Whats the difference between tater tots and hashbrowns?

pan fried

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Fries. Drowning that shit in mayonnaise of course.