Do Americans really not care about us at all? I thought Australia and the USA were frens...

Do Americans really not care about us at all? I thought Australia and the USA were frens. But all the quote tweets are just Americans saying that they dont care and that they want us to become a Chinese colony.
Wtf USA bros?

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Americans have been too demoralized, don't mind them

the average american doesn't even know where australia is

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Angloids in general are isolasionists while being cucks for their globohimo lords, no onder why they behave like schizos inhere.

I hate the angloid antichrist

sorry user no American thinks of any foreign country aside from China, Canada, Mexico and now Russia/Ukraine. To most Americans Australia is just that place far away with funny accents, surfers and stereotypically attractive blonde men/women and kangaroos.

>let me tell you about you
dont care about the losers perspective

Bro we don't give a shit about any other anglo cunt at all. For whatever reason you do. It's pretty weird honestly. Regardless of what happens politically you will be culturally absorbed by us. The same will never happen here.

Also why the fuck do Americans care so much about our covid lockdown policies? Shit's all over and they're still seething about it.
They unironically think that covid camps were a real thing and that we deserve to stop existing as a country because of this.

Youre the loser you suck american cock thinking you're still relevant, look at the state of your grey island you "winner"

Yeah ok loser

No wonder the mediocrity of your post

>let me tell you about you from the losers view
Nah im ok thanks loser

Americans only care avout what social media puts in their face

Nobody really does aside from extreme right wingers trying to use fear mongering about Australia to make some autistic solidarity with the tyrannical Covid policies here or whatever the fuck their schizo minds are about. 99% of Americans have no idea what Australia's covid policies are. Anyone who does probably just heard the retarded grifter in pic related or tucker carlson call Australia a totalitarian regime or some shit and just went with it

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Keep deluding yourself spamming mediocre posts exposing your lack of relevance, or laybe ask for your master the right to have a pov of your own.

Keep losing and trying to tell me about losing from your perspective
and ill keep not listening

And yet you keep on lustening and keep pretending you're the winner when you're just servile for american agenda.

I don't understand the premise- how does Australia's sovereignty go away if USA is isolationist

aussies posters are annoying, I hope the Chinks kill and rape you

The average American doesn't give a shot about any other country and it takes something like a world war to remember who our friends are. For what it's worth i dislike most countries but I like Australia a lot

The only anglo countries anyone here cares about are Canada and the UK. Canada as the place everybody claims they're going to flee to whenever the president they didn't like wins and the UK as a tourist destination.

Canada probably moreso because it's not uncommon to have friends/family in or from Canada due to how close it is.

Why do Americans do this? This is really sad, I thought we were close friends. I'm sorry Australians made fun of Americans about covid.

China and Indonesia. Indonesia has literally discussed invading us and they have a much higher population than us.
Australia simply doesnt have the population to defend ourselves without foreign assistance from the USA

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it's better to be a lacquey of the americans than suck germans like u clowns do desu

Yeah? ok loser keep screeching the losers perspective, you are such a loser you think being a loser is a position of power
you think being a loser gives you power
it doesnt

you're just too far away and unlike the brits you don't produce much obviously australian media like harry potter and BBC shit. on the bright side our soldiers have a very high opinion of you for helping in the middle east you're thought about more than NZ.

Implying lol, France has its own strategy and it turns out a lot of countries are turning out from Germany to place france ahead, keep deluding yourself into angloid propaganda.

ok loser

>Muuuh losers losers losers.
funny considering youre a bong sucking on mutt cocks thinking youre some hot stuff lmao

stop your victimhood larping nigel our countries literally have a defence treaty nobody is letting the chinks take your kangaroos

If a country needs America to exist then it has to adapt to reality and reach a compromise with whatever poses a threat to it's existence. Taiwan and Australia should be on friendly terms with China while Ukraine and Russia should be on good terms with each other AND Evropa. In Canada's case, America will always have influence whether they're isolationist or not.

I always assume most of those schizos there and here are just paid posters by the Chinese or Russians

Ah i see, another cuck parotting the same conformist behaviour.