How has this website positively and negatively impacted your life in your country

How has this website positively and negatively impacted your life in your country

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I've developed several interest and hobbies but...
I spend all my time here rather than actually doing them.

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>fill time

>fill time


>anger from race bait viewing
>hatred of schizos
>shame and depression

>I know all the flags


Gave me more social interactions

Oh boy... where to start...

I get to talk to non-retards

You guys pretend too well sometimes

It has given me a place to vent all of my rage so that I don’t snap one day irl and scream “NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER!” randomly in the face of some stupid roastie

>I get to talk to non-retards

It made me realize how native english speakers peope arent really people, more like scum bugs that need to be washed out, hope it's the same for yall.

>french man talks about washing

I view everything and everybody with automatic knee-jerk cynicism and contempt and meanwhile have little of value to show for my own life, and I KNOW the fact that I've been on Any Forums every day since I started Any Forums in '07 contributes to my sorry state. I'm here forever, just like the rest of your.

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Great exposing your angloid mindset cuck

I worry the opposite, that the word nigger will one day slip out IRL because of Any Forums. I'm not even racist but I talk stupid shit IRL just being silly like anyone does and I just really hope it doesn't happen.

my policy is that I just never say nigger out loud, I only ever type it. That way I’ll never let it slip out by accident. The only exception is when I’m driving by myself, and that’s when I scream “NIGGER FAGGOT FUCK SHIT BITCH BITCH NIGGER NIGGER SHIT FUCK HELL” constantly as I drive because I am a schizo

Holy shit. Literally me.

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great minds think alike

>took my Japanese to a next level
>started learning German
>cured me of my ouiaboo romaticization (French people in general are as fucking retarded as everyone else)
>might get me into Russian?
>got to know how some retards think
>I waste time here
>I developed my sense of (dark) humour even further

Now I got this song stuck in my head because of your flag. Thanks.

:( :( :(