Are Russians the most intellectual race?

Are Russians the most intellectual race?

Attached: kant argument.png (1614x526, 98.5K)

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Plot twist: they were arguing over how to pronounce "Kant".

The funny thing about it is that Kant would never be ok with murder over his ideas.

Russia is the final proof that there's multiple universes and Russia itself is a portal to another universe

It is true that Russians are as a population highly educated, but I think this gives them a false sense of intelligence.
I do not think they are more intelligent than their neighbors. It is possible that they are less intelligent.

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Low IQ cope

probably some LARPer claiming he was Russian since Konigsberg is now theirs

Smart people can still do stupid things.

but usually people say portal to Brazil and not portal to Russia


Brazil and Russia are more or less the same thing


Attached: 5rh0lGU.png (1280x1174, 104.01K)

Perhaps too intelligent for this world

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russia is a nice place to go, full of history art and culture. brazil is a hellhole with unbearable temperature, sweaty humid swap with nothing then stealers, scammers and insects

That sounds more like a Hegelian than a Kantian.

I respect this. This would unironically never happen in the west. Russia would kill over philosophy that’s passionate.


We are an arctic Florida

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Filial dutiful Poland.

wtf honestly how does this happen
its probably twisting the story, i bet the guy went back to the party because he was panicking and didnt know what to do and went to find a phone or something


You literally have no idea what you're talking about. Both Brazilians and Russians end up talking about the unexpected similarity between the two countries in everyday life. But in the general sense no one expects that, so it ends up being a culture shock.

And yet much more Italians, both past and present, come to Brazil rather than Russia. Some cities in Southern Italy are essentially favelas (see Gomorrah the movie and Reality, both of which partly filmed in real Italian neighborhoods)

You simply cannot understand the Russian дyшa. Whether they're falling from the 9th floor with their lover or falling as a VDV conscript into their death, they simply do not care.


Attached: comfy.png (815x611, 28.4K)

Brazil is ugly
I can't understand why so many boomers like that shithole, maybe because of trannies
yes south italy is a shithole with scammers, unbearable weather and thieves same as brazil

Ofc the med bvlls are always the most based

he is half russian lmao

Luigi you very good at Geography eh? Tell me what is the driest area in Brazil

Unironically yes

>I can't understand why so many boomers like that shithole
You're a sub-Italian, otherwise you'd get it.
Southern Italy is even worse because it is not Brazil

I barely know your capital but I know the capital of uzbekistan. nobody cares about the new world man


You can say any shit about Brazil, unless it's ugly.

The wrong half. Usually Russians are very articulate and well-read.