Why do Okinawans hate Americans so much?

Why do Okinawans hate Americans so much?

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because they're based

because they are not retarded

because US soldidr rape their women and children and get away with it

We literally rebuilt both of your countries from nothing after WWII

Stop clinging on the past boomer


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Only a few times and they all went to jail


not exactly. it happens even more often but most of the stories never make it to the media.

Because you impregnate their women and then you leave them

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more like why don't Europe against US military presence?

Most don't care.
No it doesn't.

American soldiers commit crime in
around the world!

Who would live with them in same islands?!!

Because Russia.
This is why Glorious Nippon is happy to have that base in Okinawa. Because China.

More exposure?

euro towns make a bunch of money off of selling shit to american soldiers. as usual for westoids, money > self-respect

Americans took the land of the indians

euro women give themselves willingly to bbc soldiers while japanese women don't

I see that Belgian flag. Remember Congo?

good old days

So you can hush about the Natives, okay? :D

just saying why the okinawa indians are so mad