ITT: white people

ITT: white people

Attached: ahem.webm (726x1280, 2.73M)

i didnt know niger anons use russian proxies

Attached: flag-of-niger.jpg (914x604, 20.6K)

Attached: 1643827685608.webm (640x800, 2.95M)

Therapist: white people aren't real they can't hurt you
White people:

being wh*te is mental illness

Oh no... it's spreading to other races now

Attached: 1643518627674.webm (256x300, 2.09M)

Take some gold!

Attached: 1598246275452.webm (202x360, 2.13M)

Its over gymmax/statusmax bros. By the time youve succeeded you will be too old. Take the singlemotherpill or die a virgin

polish food
captcha: TP RAW

Attached: 1617333032108.webm (576x1024, 2.96M)

if true love is not for me then i will die a virgin

Attached: f5753870a40ccef114a6cb88e7f48531.jpg (680x680, 85.13K)

Please, show white people cuisine some respect

Attached: 1612529254097.webm (200x354, 2.87M)

Attached: 20220325_100337.jpg (360x257, 25.2K)

i would find it a bit akward to tell him he's too young for me, but that's just me
good thing i'm not a women; i could've actually killed someone if i had been harassed every time i left my flat

i have no words

post moar wypepo

Good morning

Attached: epiccomedy24_1.webm (576x1024, 2.72M)

yte ppl scary

Attached: 427945974897.jpg (619x453, 137.07K)