What country is this?

What country is this?

Attached: FMh9zkpXIAYBAMX.jpg (1200x1200, 421.16K)

No clue but the bitches there be mad ugly

The city state of London (formerly England)

No clue but the cutsies there be heckin valid

Ukrainian foreign legion "Pidor" brigade flag.

Definitely UK as they need to tell pedestrians to look left because they drive on the wrong fucking side

>look both w-ACK


No clue but rope sales there be crazy high

Wouldn't be out of place here

In our rural communities the gay crosswalks keep getting put up by virtue signalling city councils then the locals just vandalize them with white paint
We bleed money on these fucking things because the cities have warranties on the crosswalks so we waste precious paint and hours fixing them for free

*look right

globohomo is NOT real
that road has ALWAYS been like this
it is NORMAL to have a trans rights flag instead of regular pedestrian crossing stripes

My country, my beautiful Padova.

Attached: Padova.jpg (2048x1150, 299.25K)

>stepping on trans flag
Probably some chud country

Attached: 1641874067913.png (840x574, 65.66K)

Looks like London, I was in London in 2020 and there were gendered flags on pedestrian lights, like men, woman and trans. And other propaganda like that. And of course BLM shit

we had one of these crossings but with just the LGBT flag in my city. It was in a muslim area and they constantly chimp out and vandalise it

That road had an 41% accident rate.

Peoples Republic of ACK

whats the point of the writting, are people too retarded to know that they have to look or something?

Thank you USA, greatest ally!

Attached: Faggot Walk.jpg (1140x440, 135.52K)

In my town they did one of these diversity streetscaping paintings. But it wasn't on the streetwalks or anything, it was on the fucking trashcans. There's no fucking way it wasn't intentional

Children who don't know better mostly

respect people, chud


to look both ways is like one of the first things kids are taught when they start going out of the house on their own, many kids are probably taught this even before they know how to read

Moscow, very close to the Kremlin, curiously it is on the path Putin uses to go to work everyday.