The first mention of the word "pizza" comes from a notarial document written in Latin and dating to May 997 AD from...

>The first mention of the word "pizza" comes from a notarial document written in Latin and dating to May 997 AD from Gaeta, demanding a payment of "twelve pizzas, a pork shoulder, and a pork kidney on Christmas Day, and 12 pizzas and a couple of chickens on Easter Day.

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>Look! Look at him! He's folding his pizza!!!

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i'm fucking hungry.

How did pizza exist without tomatos?

thin pizzas with smelly cheese and leaves are fine but a pizza REQUIRES meat on it. I will fucking fight anybody who disagrees.

North Macedonia - Shitaly
1 - 0

italians eternally seethe because we make the best pizza

I believe they used onion based sauces

>REQUIRES meat on it.
Ur huwhyte mom requires my meat on her

>get in fight with American because you claimed there can be pizza without meat on it
>get shot

Many such cases.

you are wrong

Pizza without savory slices of salami or other salted meats are like a hamburger without a patty.

Attached: hickory-farms-reserve-dry-salami-032022-1.jpg (2000x2000, 1.68M)

whats that white stuff in it?

Chunks of fat so that it's not tough like jerky.

I like capers, anchovies and eggplant
Rate my pizza italiano

You have this silly idea because the American food culture revolves around the idea that you need a lot of proteins and that the source of proteins should be meat.

The truth is, you need only a fair amount of proteins and they can come from cheese, eggs, legumes, etc., not necessarily meat.

A pizza Margherita and then some fruit is a complete meal because it has all the necessary nutrients in the right proportions and it won't even make you fat because the calories intake is right.

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pizza was just some sort of weird cake/bread back then

I asked the Italian not the amerifat and no your great grandfather being Italian doesn't count

sounds tasty

Just throw some pineapple on it dickhead

Meat is murder. You piece of shit.

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