What do you think hell is like?

>INB4 hell isn't real
but what if it was

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Hell is real, its called T*rkey

you cant conceive of how horrendous it is or the pain it causes. thats why its so terrifying, it is at a level so twisted and cruel that it's conceptually unfathomable

Heresy just probably starts to feel like a really hot bath after a while.
10/10 would probably be there in all reality.

Imagine just being conscious in the dark for all of eternity with no way to sleep or end your life.

just like tells

its just a place where god completely ignoring you, no moral law, no purpose

Circle V seems metal as fuck I wanna go there

like the minecraft nether

i imagine part of hell would be like the soul cairn from skyrim, probably the 2nd circle
just lost souls wandering a empty dark plain for all of eternity with nothing to do and nothing to look forward to, no hope

for some reason i absolutely dreaded that place and left as fast as possible

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hell is earth, and then we reincarnate as indians, that would be the 3rd circle of hell.
as a final stop after the 2nd death we reincarnate in a tapir that is eaten by a boa during 5000 years in slow motion, then we die and we transform in our final form, the funny god with 8 arms and we create our mini universe that we play with it like in the intro of original men in black

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Hell is like the Moon. Cold, grey and empty.

Originally in Christianity hell is supposed to be the absence of God. In other words there's no demons or torture devices. The punishment isn't IN he'll, hell (ie the absence of the presence of God) IS the punishment

My understanding is that everyone would have their own personal hell

>but what if it was
There is only one answer

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limbo does sound like poland tb h
id say what I think about heaven hell and immortality but this will just turn into schizo rant

i like this idea

anons, what would your personal hell look like?
the worst possible fate you could imagine yourself in?

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Is that image even correct? The 4th circle shouldn't have smelting gold, I don't think. The sinners there were forced to push enormous weights of gold which would roll back down.

The 8th circle isn't just one big & dark pit. It's got 10 trenches/ditches which each have special punishments, according to the type of fraud that was committed. Some of them have demons that torture them, and some don't.
Also I don't know what hell is like, but I do believe it's terrible

this was just first result from google, if you can find a more accurate one id like to see it
im not religious so i dont know whats true or not

Hell is such a fucked up retarded concept when your religion as a god that literally represents love.
>"B- but you put yourself into hell, m- muh free will"
No thats not how this works

How's that different from life on Earth?

Everything is screaming, no hierarchy or planning in hell
Bodily senses are overwhelmed as body piled upon body thrash against one another in agony
Women and children, kindly grandmothers, vicious rapists and murderers, thieves and liars, perverted girls who had sex before marriage and died in child birth, all sinners who know that their punishment is Divine Justice
There is no limbo, no purgatory, these are simply the lies of Sinners trying to escape from Divine Justice
There's a scene in The House That Jack Built where they enter the outer parts of Hell and you can hear this faint ringing sound and as they get closer and closer the ringing gets louder and louder and you realise the ringing is the sounds of billions of people screaming in utmost agony combined together