Israel is the only developed country that has an above replacement birth rate

>Israel is the only developed country that has an above replacement birth rate

Why aren't Goyim having kids?

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Religion isn't a big part of the culture anymore and no wars

It’s too expensive to live, but a home, pay for child care etc

israel is a shithole lol are you kidding me

Because of you.

Goys are stupid. I know I have some sephardi blood, but if I take some dna and mtdna and it comes out I'm truly jewish I'm going to move to Israel and become a haredi and pop out 10 children

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People say that it's because of the cost of living but the truth is a lot of women can't be bothered really.

>take some dna and mtdna

why? does'nt italy have a lot of trad and conservative women who wants a family

People are raised and specifically told to think about which career to get and what interests to pursue. So reproducing becomes a secondary focus that only happens if everything else in life is good.

Those who do have passed menopause already. Italy is an old country demographics-wise

Being pregnant and raising a child is a pretty big deal, you pretty much have to dedicate 5 years of your life just to taking care of them and you'll probably stay fat even after the pregnancy ends.

I don't think that being anti-kid is as common in Italy but the newer generations in the west definitely don't idealize having kids like the older generations used to do.

this was solely achieve through Arabs and Haredi

Arab birth rates are decresing fast, while jewish ones just keep increasing

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secular jews also have an above replacement birth rate

The only Israelis making babies are inbred Haredim
Good luck supporting a huge population of NEETs

Ahahahah nice one

It's birth control.
Nobody ever really wanted to have children, they are just a by product of sex which nature made us pursue in order to have babies.
When people can have the cake and still eat it( with the aid of Birth control ) you can't be surprised at the decline of birth rates.

I don't understand how religion works in Israel, but the son/daughter of a haredi needs to be a haredi too or they can become secular/not ultra-orthodox and join militaries and go to universities?

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A thought experiment :
What would happen if suddenly all birth control methods stopped working? Would the birth rate in the west still remain so low? ( It won't, it will skyrocket to Sub Saharan levels ).

israel is a developed country???
since when?

I think it's like the Jewish Amish.
If they join the secular world they get outcasted from the community.