/med/iterranean general

Another night, another murder edition

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Had a nightmare where I was in a whorehouse and the whore wanted condom + some kind of underwear and legging before fucking
Like some really extensible ones that still allow you to chuck

Feeling kind of tired and fucked. Got some ass DOMS too

Buongiorno ragazzi
Peculiar dream

Kek kinda weird dream. Was there anything else?
>he doesn't wear the old whore legging before going to the brother
Tsk, rookie mistake.

No but she was the one wearing the underwear and legging
And not some that you can rip apart

I almost never remember my dreams.
It has been a while since I had one. They are mostly normal stuff like walking to work or being in the café with friends I don't have.

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I dreamt that my mother was sent to prison.

Was voting for labourites made illegal following their defeat this week?

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It was guilt by being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Something happened, I forgot what, and whoever was there was imprisoned. I also saw my paternal grandparents, again. I dream about them a lot.

I forgot most of my dream tonight but I only slightly remember that the office cutie had sent me a message and when I checked it out, it was a nonsensical string of words and symbols like pic rel.
Huh weird like a chastity belt or something.
At least you avoid nightmares, that's something!
I think there are 2 types of people: realistic day to day simulator dreamers and schizo shitpost nightmarers. I'm the latter usually.
When I dream of my frens going to a cafe, odds are we're gonna get attacked by raptors in the next 2 minutes. A real peaceful dream must be nice once in a while.

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>No joker office cutie

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good morning frens
I hope you all had a great wk !!

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Hello med
>He doesn't do it in real life too
Did you squat ?

>I think there are 2 types of people: realistic day to day simulator dreamers and schizo shitpost nightmarers
True I day dream constantly, recently as an american school shooter or as a fishermen.

>>No joker office cutie
Vgghh, we'll get our office cuties brune don't worry.
Hello, thank you! I hope you have a good week too fren :)
>Did you squat ?
No I played badminton saturday with coworkers (in doubles) but I did 2 sets 1v1 and breaking pace every 2 secs did a number on my glutes. It had been 2 months since I last played too.

Playing badminton with coworkers sounds great, you seem to have very good relationships with them.

Why yes I day dream as president of fictional country, rich man, athlete and of course as me with gf

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literally me

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I can't even elegantly bleed...
out the poison... blood...
of failure...

>shool shooter
Based, sounds like a fun but exhausting lifestyle
>day dream constantly
I used to be the same since I was a kid. But I realized it was kinda hurting my real waking life. It was a cope to deal with my shit life and only hurt me more as it was allowing me to escape and not better myself. When I started making adjustments irl 2 years ago, I stopped daydreaming altogether.

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If I could dream of a perfect life there would be no wageslaving at all, a comfy life in a quiet town and getting paid a lot doing nothing so that would let me do all the things I want

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Yeah I'm lucky to be surrounded with cool proactive people at work. With a few others we always try to organize parties and sports stuff for everyone. It might not be forever so I'm enjoying while it lasts.
Leave your blood alone fren. :(

What do you mean by that desu

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Sounds peaceful, I'd like that too.
But sometimes I feel like hardship is necessary to one's life too. If it was too easy, maybe we wouldn't appreciate all that?

There's an elegant way to bleed?

means I was no better than a fucking tranny in the end
well also just the lyrics of a song

If that was the case for me I'd be reluctant at first but would try to join afterwards
I want a quiet life with no problems at all, if I want some hardship I'll watch war videos kek
Why do you make you bleed and why do you put yourself below trannies ?