Uuuh Japanese bros?

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This a map of tourism or immigration?

We are as one.

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Is that why Osaka is the most dangerous part of Japan?

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it's hard for me to imagine an east asian person trying to rob me, they're basically children

>Tons of china
it's over.

chinese people form the majority of the foreign population in both north korea and south korea too

In the case of Brazil, it is likely to be the Japanese diaspora returning home. Brazil is the second country with the most Japanese outside of Japan apart from the United States.

wtf, I must flee to the green zone.

Why do you hate Chinese pipo? They are good people.

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>Brazil is the second country with the most Japanese outside of Japan apart from the United States.
we are the first, sweetie

Japs are chinese

Is it true that many of them emigrated to Brazil because they were rejected by the immigration quota limits in the USA? I heard something similar about many migrants from northern Europe who were rejected in America when they started demanding knowledge of English and things like that and then they go to South America.


What happens in Peru?

yeah they were white supremacists at the time

>1917 Asiatic Barred Zone Act prohibited immigration to the U.S. from most of the Asian continent, including the Indian Subcontinent, Southeast Asia, and parts of the Middle East.
>1922 Takao Ozawa v. United States: Japanese, despite being light-skinned, were deemed non-white as they were not considered Caucasian by contemporary racial science, and were thereby not accorded the rights and privileges of naturalization.
>1924 Immigration Act of 1924 introduced quotas for immigration based on national origin, creating a quota of zero for Asian countries, as well as forming the United States Border Patrol.

Brazil also had a eugenistic governent at the time but they didnt have one drop rule standards for obvious reasons, they had to use a strategy of bleaching Brazilians until we arent brown anymore.

>they had to use a strategy of bleaching Brazilians until we arent brown anymore.
And it kinda worked to be honest, if it wasn't for the italians, portuguese, spanish, polish, german, japanese that came here we would be 90%+ african

are you Spanish poop?

Emperor Fujimori.

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this is BS. The most african regions didnt receive immigration and yet they are still predominantly portuguese genetically. The immigrants went all to the southern regions with some lost guys in the amazon for some reason. For example the Northeast didnt get ant sizeable portion and northeasterners are just 15% less white than southerners (genetically)

what is that green area??

Last time I went to Japan the hotel/airbnb owner was literally a zhang

It's a parasite! You are dying Japan! Go to hospital now!!


soul sanctuaries, bunda oasis, japarda refuge

In Peru we even had a president of Japanese ancestry. His name is Alberto Fujimori.
Peru also had a great Chinese immigration, the biggest in Latin America.
Here we are of different races: indigenous, asians, mestizos, black, white people. It's a total mess!!