Do people in your cunt love science?

Do people in your cunt love science?

Attached: 1647792352677.jpg (679x449, 66.95K)

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How does one "love" science? Do they love specific disciplines, ie. Mathematics or engineering? Do they love partaking in it or merely love the accomplishments of other men?

young elite intellectuals in my country do like this
they are usually over-pride, not humor, and worship science, enjoying the sense of justice by proving they are right

did you make this image?
why do you have the same filename as the swedish flag who posted this earlier?

>what is white anyway
generic term to symbolize anyone of European descent however this obviously get cloudy with certain people. Better to refer people to their ethnic groups or families (ie Iberian, Basque, Catalan, Galicia or Germanic, Dutch, Pomeranian, etc

>Socioeconomic factors
this much is true, which is why upper class people tend to be smarter than lower class people.

i hate science

all those things are true thought


Attached: FIeF-C4XsAA6_hM.jpg (680x521, 59.83K)

I love the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Trust the science. Trust the experts.

Attached: FGCGXuhXMAQQ7EH.png (547x404, 28.48K)

I love when incel retards without a college degree try to understand science and fail miserably

That's why I leave it to the experts :)

>I love when incel retards without a college degree try to understand science and fail miserably

Attached: ATeAihP.png (600x800, 7.91K)

Case in point

But I've had manuscripts published on BMJ and Cold Spring Harbor.

Pseudoscience believer and danger to democracy detected

explain i'm apparently too low iq to understand your graph

I love the scientific method and feel terrible how it has been co opted in politics to essentially say, these government bureaucrats who were in science related fields before becoming government employees are the final say on anything

bins on the X-axis are the heritabilities of black white IQ differences
Y axis is the percentage of psychometricians who think it's within that bin

how are you supposed to have any kind of attachment to something that bases its very existence on the fact it requires an unbiased approach in order to truly work?
the moment you turn it into a doctrine or ideology, science stops being science and instead turns into a technical wankfest

is this a bad thing now?

It is when stupid people are called out on their bullshit

grug no like science
science tell grug no make baby with sister

They just follow the directives from the government like it was some sort of religion, and call it science. Most of them are social «««science»»» midwits.