Not a police state btw

>not a police state btw

Attached: le freedom.png (1000x1233, 139.51K)

Can a european go one day without thinking about america?

That isn’t what a police state means.

well they also have a lot of crime. Are you saying putting criminals in jail is a bad thing?

kinda true would rather be prison state

>a lot of crime
Meaningless when even being homeless is a crime in the US.

I wish being homeless was a crime. There are too many of those nasty bastards in public and the police does nothing

parts of the US economy rely on people with minor offenses working for a wage that not even a mexican would work for

that's an issue that should be solved of there were more benefits for the homeless, that's not something for the police to do

depends on the crime really, a lot of these "criminals" in the usa are there for minor stuff

>rent free


Vast majority are mentally ill and need to be institutionalized. That is absolutely a job for the police to do.

No, because we lock up people for stupid shit instead of political shit.
You can call our laws stupid, but we aren't a police state.

dah, comrades. we will liberate american political prisoners from making license plates after we crush ukraine nazis.

guess that trickle down guy shouldn’t have gutted social spendings and forcing out millions of mentally ill people onto the streets

bruh it is literally part of their constitution.
Prisoners = free labor / legal slavery

Many of them get food stamps. The problem is it's hard to differentiate between the lazy, the drug abusers, and the mentally ill on a state wide level. Not to mention state governments make more money by having the homeless around

More like the war on drugs was just as big of a failure as prohibition, and government corruption of a state level is not talked about

youre ignorant. homeless in america choose to be homeless. there is free housing/lodging everywhere. this is a mental health issue. and the police cannot force homeless into shelters because homelessness isnt illegal unlike communist countries like east germany.

mock me all you want but your private prison complex is as ghoulish and repulsive as your military industrial complex, and the fact that your politicians are in the pockets of people who earn money by practically lobbying for more people going to jail is just horrifying

>free housing/lodging everywhere
Nigger what?

Why is Thailand so high?

i agree with what you are saying except that private prisons are “part of the economy” as if usa is relying on indentured labor to function. we are #1 because of innovative technologies, not man power.

>t. has never looked into social services in his county.
Women literally never have to pay rent in our country.

The overwhelming majority of homeless people are men

>USA prison population is half of the total population of Croatia
Man, the planet is a big place.

what percent of those are black?

It’s hyperbole yes, but the private prison complex is really fucking insane if you break it down, and the state / private companies being able to ensnare you in modern serfdom for minor offenses is still dystopian as fuck, even when it affects mostly hood rats and white trash

Strange. Here, health care workers do that

Thailand has as huge opioid and human trafficking crisis, and they have brazil tier punishments

We can but it's just funny laughing at your retardation.

>brazil tier punishments
Is that good or not?