What's the relationship between India and Green Japan like? Is Green Japan really just discount Pakistan?

What's the relationship between India and Green Japan like? Is Green Japan really just discount Pakistan?

Attached: India-Bangladesh-Flags.png (1344x512, 421.34K)

Pakistan is already discount enough itself so discount Pakistan must be really shitty

My man green Japan is made up of lost indians

It's the bastard child of Pakistan and India.

how strong is bengali nationalism
is there anyone wanting to conquer indian bengal

You drink the downstream water from Ganges and brahmputra after its filled with Indian poop, sewage, and chemicals


It's very strong. We are far more intelligent and far more civilized than your average Hindi Pajeet. One day we will reconquer Indian Bengal, Assam, and Bihar. And we will send every Bihari we come across to the concentration camps.

>bragging about using your own "holy river" as a toilet
Hindpoos really are something

Bengali ethnic identity is pretty strong but waning away pretty fast. Young Banglas like me are totally disconnected from our traditional Bengali culture and living in cities where everybody comes from a different background is turning us into Indians.

I can't even speak Bengali properly ffs. I speak English better than Bengali.

Poor people will do poor people things. You educated and civilized Bengalis shouldn't be doing it though.

>conquer Bihar
Biharis are a martial race, Bengalis are a sedentary race. Biharis would heem you bro, no cap. It was primarily Bihar Regiment soldiers that freed Bengal in the 1971 War.

>Bengalis dreaming of getting back at Biharis for fucking their women on a constant basis
A sight to see.

Indian women are the biggest sluts for white cock here in the States. Bengali women are far more loyal.

@bengaligoddess onlyfans
Don't go there bruv

All desi women are sluts for the white cock. Massive cope to say otherwise.

As a 6/10 white guy, can confirm. I've fucked more Pajeetas than I can count. Including married women. They're even easier than Asian girls, and that is saying something.

I mean yeah many do. But India is a pretty huge country by comparison so they're also aware of the consequences of launching an attack on west bengal.
That's why they are waiting this global jihad called GAJWA-E-HIND that will be waged by all muslims of the world and then they will retake control all of india by joining up with their fellow arab brothers.

Post hands with timestamps before claiming you fucked anything.

Friendly reminder that all Bangladeshis are Paki rape babies.

>Pro-Pakistani Islamist militias from Jamaat-e-Islami killed between 300,000 and 3,000,000 people and raped between 200,000 and 400,000 Bengali women, in a systematic campaign of genocidal rape

pakistan and bangladesh are India
I understand it's always been their rightful clay

So what? Indians are Mughal rape babies.