Do not come to Kazakhstan

Do not come to Kazakhstan.
Our women are ugly.
Our men are aggressive psychopaths.
Our police is corrupted, they WILL NOT investigate your death if you die here.
This is not a warning, this is a threat.

Attached: _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg (660x574, 30.86K)

Ok I won’t. Thank you.

Gotcha. Never going there.


Attached: kasakki.webm (576x1024, 2.95M)

Do you miss the USSR?


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>Our women are ugly
Explain Aya Shalkar then

I will go to kazakhstan

Ugly whore with weird eye mutation. I hope she will never bear children.

Attached: pepefroggie.jpg (780x438, 35.42K)

Would I pass as a local in your country?

how's that liberization thing going

I want to move to Kasachstan

- nobody ever

I see this a challenge

I went through your airport once
It was really tiny even though it's international airport

Attached: IMG_20190624_171446_110533_1.jpg (1000x750, 168.7K)

Sounds like my hometown. Do you also have hanged people of bridges?

i want some kazakh puss tho

Why don't you just revel and overthrow the government? Russian forces are too busy being annahilated in ukraine right now

Rebelion needs leader. We dont have one

VGH souvl

I'll be your leader. Rebel. Now

I need a Kazakh bride. You know what kinda...

I need a Kazakh Husbando.