VGH... Vcraina & Polonya

VGH... Vcraina & Polonya...

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Just unite already.

I unironically teared up a little bit desu

>male personifications
Lol gay,
Jokes aside, these are usually female for a reason.

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I thought Polish people were racists.

we are (against men, black qveens are welcomed)

Um sweetie we don't have a border with them.

Now you do

Vgh... Imagine the sexos...

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Vgh... The Little Vcrainian Hovse of Polonya...

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Let them save the kids under the rubble you orc faggot

Fuck both Poles and Russians. They were always trying to impose their bullshit will on Ukraine, except Poland didn't have 21st century weapons to kill millions of Ukrainians

Guys there's a fire on the polish side!

Forgot to mention that I am trans btw

Don't worry, it's just clouds

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Gayest picture I've seen in a while

why is the ukrainians hand drawn like that

Ukrainians have weird hands. At least I do

didn't you people slaved the hohols during the times of the commonwealth and wanted to annex them in the 1920's?